21. On Good and Evil and Bad
Nietzsche identified two broad categories of morality: master and slave. The latter became ascendent over the former by the triumph of the herd. Master morality justifies power coupled with some obligation toward those lower in social status. Slave morality debases the higher instincts by creating a virtue out of subservience. Maximum advantage has superceded both, therefore allowing the strongest to rise, whatever and whomever that may be. Efficiency is strength. Good and evil and bad are now defined exclusively in those terms. Hence, the power elite sits upon a shaky precipice and becomes susceptible to backlash. For damage control, propaganda is utilized for maximum advantage to convince the populace of their smooth running of affairs. One method is to convince the population that two sides of the same coin are indeed different. "Liberal and conservative" or "Democrat and Republican" are common examples. The illusion of choice is a prime tool for pacification. Although good and evil are anachronistic concepts, duality appears to represent the path of least resistance. The mythical legacy of the older moralities linger even while superceded by concepts such as progress and regression. The world has moved beyond. However, few will publicly admit their actions are motivated by anything other than self-interest exploited for maximum advantage in all things. The opportunist may portray such dualism as actual but must never believe it for a second. One should not forget one's allies in holding it all together. Inefficiency is never good. Remember evil is not necessarily bad, it's just evil...
22. Stable equilibrium only exists at the bottom of a trough.
23. Moral decay also experiences decline...
24. Never underestimate the complete lack of ethics possible in a moral society.
25. Consciousness does not inherently have a conscience...
26. The moral high ground allows one to look down on the suffering of others.
27. A implies b, and ~b implies ~a may be logical equivalents, but are still not the same thing.
28. On Enemies
Some enemies are real whereas others are merely apparent. Many would be surprised to see two supposed bitter political rivals on friendly personal terms. Their mutually antagonistic rhetoric is simply not taken personally. Their animosity is simply a difference of opinion exploited to maximum advantage for the benefit of their supporters. Little need actually be accomplished as long as the illusion of convictions and principles is maintained. "At least s/he tried..." sighs the faithful while tromping off to perform their civic duty on election day. Although possibly entertaining, nothing changes by such posturing. Many actually seem surprised. The concept of false-enmity appears to be beyond most citizens. The opportunist would be completely stupid no to exploit this deficiency for maximum advantage in all things. Indeed, the entire federal system and most states operate on such a basis. As long as "everyone" is getting rich, who cares about the issues? Mutually beneficial antagonism certainly puts a new spin on the biblical admonishment to love thy enemy. Of course true enemies should be crushed without mercy and exploited for maximum advantage. The Roman once honored those defeated in battle. The modern scheme allows them to remain in place and power. Hence, their existence may be propagandized for years. Enemies are too hard to find to give-up lightly. However, one must often make do with the false kind. Therefore, it is not surprising to hear the odd opportunist attempt to revive the cold war. The U.S. Military-Industrial Complex needed the red army. The Cold War was not fought for a reason. An all-out hot war was just mutually assured destruction. Nobody benefits. Polar opposites are easily accepted.
29. On Language and Determinations
Despite opportunistic claims to the contrary, prediction is educated guesswork at best and very narrowly limited. Statistics are limited by assumption. Determinism is an historical artifact that appears to have survived despite being proven an incorrect natural philosophy by modern physics. The civilized human animal craves assurances. However hazy, the future must appear to possess some continuity for the struggle to seem worthwhile. The past will never return.
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