7b. Power and Control are better quietly accumulated. The noisy are threatening and make easy targets. The process should be as silent as possible. Slow motion makes the least noise. Stalk with no one watching. This Modern Warrior Archetype must not show its hand prematurely. The best defense is surprise. Shock is an insulator. Who knew?
7c. Power is better gained by influence rather than at gunpoint. Everyone has to sleep sometime. This Modern Warrior Archetype must be knowledgeable concerning the greater world and act accordingly. Ignorance is a recipe for disaster. One must understand the motivations of potential allies and act upon that insight beyond Maximum Advantage in all Things. Often, the top disregards the bottom. This Modern Warrior Archetype knows where the real action lies. Everything falls back to Earth. Below always trumps above in the end.
7d. Society and culture may stagnate, but the world always moves on. Stasis leads to decadence; decadence leads to nihilism. The strong and vibrant always eventually supplant the weak and complacent. One might be a product; one need not act like it. An awareness is required. Outside reference frames must be cultivated in order to awake. The current state is not universal nor inevitable. This Modern Warrior Archetype must be detached enough to know it, but enmeshed enough to still care. Else nothing will nor can change for the better. Degeneration is the greatest threat.
8. Power and control are not the only things that matter in life. Those consumed by megalomania are something to be resisted by this Modern Warrior Archetype as a disease to be eliminated. However, if applied effectively, power will allow one to remain free with the assistance of those so like minded, a little can go along way. The prize must be made to not be worth the price. The high ground is not just landscape. Control is over-rated. This Modern Warrior Archetype is something to be feared by and only by those that deserve to be a target.
End of Part Two.