Thursday, August 20, 2009

Progress is hitting a brick wall.


Anonymous said...

The question then becomes is current progress sustainable? Is progress defined intergenerationally/nationally or within a closed system? Is more progress needed? What kind of progress? Is progress valued for the sake of progress? When is progress to be devalued?

I would contend that progress represents a set of postindustrial assumptions about right & wrong, what should be & what should not be. Change seems to be more necessitated by consciousness, more frequently raised to public consciousness in the guise of war, hate, and fear. If change is then equated with progress than we need to be suspicious of it lest it return us to McCarthyism.

SRL said...

There is some speculation that progress is heading toward a singularity. This means that we may not see into its event horizon at this time. Where will it end? Nobody knows. When will it become meaningless? I suspect it already has...

Anonymous said...

Meaning is relative. Singularity is a reduction.

SRL said...

It sucks everything in.