Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Maximum Advantage: Inevitable Deductions 17-20

17. On Unity and Class
Unity is essential, but only by degree. The opportunist must never allow too much, lest the working population learns its own true strength. Hence, unity is established along lines less threatening to the power structure. Unity is a language with different dialects. Unity is the law, but never lawlessness. Unity is entertainment. Unity is mediocre education. Unity is being part of a minority which is part of a nation. Unity is patriotism and nationalism. Unity is common standards. Unity is dissent, but not revolution. Unity is capitalism (whatever that means). Unity is science. Unity is society. Unity is culture. Unity is uniformity. Unity is common symbolism, like the eagle and flag. Unity is consumerism through the magic of the marketplace. Unity is the choice to buy over-priced shit. Unity is strength, and freedom is slavery. Unity is fascism.

18. On Uniformity
Uniformity is the end-result of the quest for maximum efficiency. Most other concerns are subordinate. It simplicity is its strength.

19. On Cold War Babies
Several generations grew up under the shadow of the bomb. The elder actually fought in the occasional flare-up, whereas the younger were simply menaced by the specter of nuclear war. The stress experienced by Vietnam Veterans is well documented and reasonably understood, but not so for the younger generations who were relegated to the status of passive observer. The topic appears to be largely ignored. The power structure would prefer to keep it that way, lest blame for social disintegration be directed toward the Military-Industrial Complex. Too much money is generated by preparing for war. Rather, much talk is bantered about concerning a lack of morals and the breakdown of society, but never why these values seem pointless to those who have long stopped believing in the future. Nuclear destruction is not a future that encourages much investment. All boys know their lives might be cut short by conventional war, but one need not even be anywhere near a battlefield in the case of nuclear war. Even women are affected by such anxieties, therefore ceasing to be a restraining influence on male nihilism and even adding to it. If tomorrow may never come, it ceases to be relevant. The present is the only surety. Self-destructive and decadent behavior reaches ever-new heights by allowing an outlet from anxiety. Old age becomes an impossibility and ceases to be respected. After all, the older generation is who created this mess, so why not take out a little aggression on the old? Hence, generations become vast divides, and difficult hurdles to overcome. The population is left snarling at each other and has no time to actually pinpoint the cause. Who cares? Why not spend all one's money on diversions and consumerist crap? Savings cease to matter. In would appear constant agitation by cold war propaganda, both for and against the arms race, has taken its toll. However, very few will admit they were affected by something which never actually occurred, at least not yet... Those weapons have not gone away and have even proliferated. As long as a financial profit may be made there will be no discussion concerning any but the most obvious effects, which further serve to agitate...

20. On Dissociation
Emotional dissociation is an escape mechanism. Dissociation is not generally beneficial. Important issues are avoided by mentally substituting the natural for the anti-natural. Over time, the effects magnify. Frustration may reach a point where it explodes. Dissociation can also occur for the masses. The wealthy classes are more removed. Believing their own bullshit, they will be totally unprepared for any severe economic depression. If peaceful populist measures are unsuccessful, their carcasses will choke the gutters. Violent measures will become the only recourse in taking the United States from greedy swine and their minions. Broken glass and dead bodies are difficult to ignore, and unlike the 1960s the military will be largely with the people. Even propaganda has its limits, and the opportunist had better take note. Few join the military to wage war on the population of the United States. At present, on many military bases, off-duty military personnel may be seen handing out leaflets lampooning the civilian government. Such actions, even though allowed by law, would not have occurred, much less been tolerated, ten years previously. In the past, insurrections were put down relatively quickly, but the populace was not so well armed. Despite the cries of idiotic weepy white liberals, all segments of the population, not just stereotypical rednecks, will fervently resist disarmament. Only the dissociated trusts the government and police, and economic realities awake more to the ranks of the angry and discontented every day. The 1999 World Trade Organization meeting in Seattle is a recent case in point. Insulated from reality, the local monied elites could not even fathom nor prepare for the minor level of protest which occurred. The moronic reaction of the police made the event by pulling in many who did not even care about the issues. They were simply outraged by their municipal tax dollars being spent on a police riot. Rather than an aberration caused by malcontents as portrayed in the mainstream press, such things are only a mere shadow of things to come. Only an idiot completely dissociated from reality would believe otherwise. Of course, the rich are mostly the product of inbreeding, therefore it is really no surprise they are so stupid. Their deaths will be entertaining and totally deserved. Perhaps the idle rich and their lackeys will finally be useful for something--as fertilizer...

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