Monday, March 14, 2005


The urban populations centers will continue their steady decline.[11] Public policy is most successful when directed toward that which the policy makers relate. Thus, public policy leans toward the interests of the suburban. Subtleties regarding urban and rural life will only be mutually grasped second hand. Hence, small towns and inner cities both slowly die, while the suburbs become the only acceptable lifestyle for many led to the conclusion. The rural has reacted with productive nihilism. The urban is fragmented, spawning unproductive nihilism via decadence.[12] Alienation has many outlets. Identification provides a sense of belonging, but these must not threaten stasis. The rural and urban regard the others turf as battlegrounds, while missing (or ignoring) their own exploitation. Common ground is never seen. This must change, or anyone capable of filling a power vacuum must be negated. The insanity produced by disorder might allow a few scores to be rectified. Unity is fascism.

[11] Gentrification creates suburbs.

[12] The nation of Islam may be the closest urban parallel. Its militancy has been focused in a similar manner, only different issues (although fundamentally economic).

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