Friday, October 15, 2004

On Skewed Progressions (Part 2)

iii. Affirmation v. Negation:
Specialists may only establish their narrow subjects through its own angle. Hence, the specialist affirms his own specialty. Outsiders may not tread through the private inner-sanctuary, thus conferring a lame technical mysticism over (an often boring) subject. Constructive criticism is also stifled by a natural reluctance to rock the proverbial boat and thereby endanger perceived relevance or continued funding. Perspective is mostly lacking. The specialist never steps back and attempts to comprehend the greater whole. Reason cannot always tame the unreasonable. The natural herd response for protecting territory manifests itself professionally. On a personal level, the specialist feels needed and important, if only within one small skill or ability, therefore equal to anyone else. Only technical morality means anything. Larger considerations are irrelevant. The strong lure is assured and rewarded with money. The specialist is affirmed. Tangible logic reinforces the specialist mentality via larger paychecks unto obsolescence. No distinction exists between the concrete and abstract, which allows capital its power. A wrong tool must be avoided for maximum efficiency. Any complementary relationships are missed by this scheme. Accidents and failures are less likely. Progress is tunnel vision. Only absolutes float to the surface through the obscuring muck. The universe is not so simplistically regarded, thus skewing any observations through the supplied lenses. Contradiction even exists logically. Choice is more than a coping mechanism for facilitating technical projects. Weakness may impede, or prove a strength when wisely compensated. True discipline discards rigidity. A rejection need not be a negation, whereas acceptance is not affirmation. The wholesale is usually overkill. Conditioned behavior should be acknowledged for true consciousness concerning one's place in the universe. The alternative is akin to the life of a dreaming veal.

iv. Development v. Maintenance:
Balance is not a simple nor uniform consideration. Even over apparently irrelevant inconsistencies, basic necessities may vary. The key determinant is not always obvious for any given solution. Progress guarantees consequences are ignored to the fullest possible extent in advance. Although locally variant, ignorance pervades everywhere. A deluge of data drowns all. The contrary espousals are amusing in their amazing claims. If the internet brings people together then why is it populated by the depressed and perverted? Physical isolation produces decadence. Now we see wistful hopes of the computer world being real. Now matter the size of the program, the magic box is no more alive than sand. For example, the complete set of irrational numbers may never be realized in their entirety, because the first such number will itself never end. Rather, a necessary shortcut allows exploring their general properties as a subset of all real numbers. A higher concept must define the specific. The computer is only capable of calculation. The anti-natural will prevail by insisting upon the opposite. In favoring soft decadent instincts which lead downward, the hard vibrant will be ignored. Stasis is a degenerate state. In this verbal world, escapist pursuits help achieve an insulation from reality through excessive dreaming. Expression ceases to have meaning. The distinction between reality and fantasy is impossible to determine without relative perspective. Identical acts may possess situational meaning. The burning of churches in Spain and the U.S. have totally different significance. Observation almost never proves long lasting before a general inference is made. Adaptive skills are blunted. Depending upon the actual mean point rather than the perceived, balance cannot ignore reality. The world may be inhabited by those believing the opposite but usually not for long. The skew may be exploited by opportunists for maximum advantage in all things. Unless grasped in a death-grip by those who must believe it, thin illusions are easily dispelled by harsh reality. Leading nowhere through a huge expenditure of energy, development only supports maintenance. One systemic efficiency criteria may not be the same as for other competing schemes. Quality has been overrun by quantity. Impacts are only mitigated for short-term consideration. All directions warrant thought. Backwards is sometimes necessary. Cultural evolution needs resumption. Unlike other species, humanity has greater choices, thus a periodic re-evaluation of base assumptions is required. Were it not for stagnation, revolutions would be unnecessary.

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