Tuesday, March 29, 2005


Personal and family preparation is the first and longest step. Premature formal organization could eventually lead to a purge. The public eye is best avoided. Informal arrangements are another matter, and draw less attention. The individual has no place in this system other than choosing brands. A private arsenal could be quietly amassed before the complete abolition of the second amendment by well intentioned, weepy left-wing fascists. Common caliber rifles will be unnoticed and ammunition readily obtained.[15] Shotguns were outlawed by warfare convention for a messy reason. The average citizen can become a major irritant with hunting weapons. A cache containing camping equipment, and canned goods may be leisurely gathered over the decades. Allies may be gathered more slowly, based on long-term association, including police, active and former military personal, or government officials. Many shared sympathies are unseen due to social isolation caused by a technological society. Stop watching television, and talk to people. The aim is preparedness after a collapse, not immediate armed rebellion. The system is seen by many to be rightly superior to collapse. Once the checks start bouncing, many loyalties will be redirected on that day. Bigotry and classification are products of instilled propaganda. Those notions are best forgotten. Inbreeding leads to stagnation. The police and military are an extension of official policy. Many have only truly seen the situation while performing their duties -- not all are over-socialized swine. The usual justifying rhetoric is predictable, and offers nothing new. It plays right into the hands of the propagandist.

[15] An old M1-style peep sight may improve rate of fire over conventional modern sighting equipment. A miss is more easily, and quickly compensated by this World War I sniper technique. Any competent gunsmith can perform the necessary modification, or better learn that useful skill.

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