Wednesday, April 27, 2005


4. Left wing ideology has grown stale. Tyranny in the name of the people has proven the worst lie. Communists have killed far more people than the Nazis. The reasons may differ, but dead is dead. One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic. Right wing beliefs are centered around past ideals which never existed. Those days are over. Progress is a most powerful lie. The political spectrum is far too limiting. Advancement has been defined by ideals which should have been discarded at their inception. Nothing real is offered or presented, only eventual degeneration and ruin. Reality does not bend to idealism. Failures result from self-imposed limitations. Development is retarded by all lowest common denominators necessary for the herd mentality. A dynamic world requires adaptation and re-adaptation. New information and knowledge can change entire outlooks. A will to power is required. Losers throughout history have fallen in this manner. Any potential invader of Russia has learned this lesson. The United States experienced defeat in Vietnam due to egotistical ignorance. Arrogance kills millions for no good reason. The world could use fewer leaders and less sheep. Politics is about control. Hitler and Stalin killed nobody personally under their regimes -- others acquiesced to their megalomania. The current system had done away with such inefficient personalities. Hence, the political has passed into the realm of the largely illusionary.[18] General political variables only provide justification for means and ends dictated by the requirements of efficiency. Theories are difficult to question, making these intangibles the preferred method for control. Politics has been minimized above the local level. Religious influence has waned beyond meaningless debates subordinate to efficiency. Cultural evolution has been effectively halted by complete emphasis on technological progress. The comfortable is stifling and smothers all natural instincts in favor of the decadent anti-natural.

Reality respects neither comfortable delusion nor agitation provoking lies. The tyranny of the masses is no better than the machine; it will always become the same. Human definitions have fallen to technical necessity, thus creating a new, kinder, gentler slavery. Constraints may only be false, unquestioned blindness. Inertial and entropy are physical laws applicable to the social and cultural sphere. Complex systems evidence chaotic behavior. The timeless absolute is a myth, and generally long gone before its reformulation. Limits are not always real. A foundation may actually be erroneous, being deeper or shallow. Obstacles can be overcome, or ignored. The difficulty lies in the appropriate determination. The ability can be intuitive or learned. The alternative is peonage to else and self. A rebel is a tool. Human ancestors would have perished heeding the artificial. Morality and ethics constrain and supply static states. Change is inevitable, and hardly idealistic. Any species turning its back on reality will its own extinction. The same applies to individuals and small groups. The alternative is life. Reality makes no distinction.

[18] See J. Ellul, The Political Illusion, 1967. Thirty years has seen these earlier identified trends strengthen. Technique has become pervasive.

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