Thursday, September 22, 2005

On This Modern Warrior Archetype Part One.7.0

7. Commitments and codes are necessary to avoid shadow. Honor need not come from above. As Things Fall Apart, certain choices must be made. This Modern Warrior Archetype must step softly. Power can be more addictive than any mere chemical. The impulse towards domination must be resisted. The weak are a responsibility. Their mass is a grave danger and an easy weapon. When threatened, their unattended panic can bury one. Else, like one standing beneath an exploding volcano, survival is mere chance. Tasks and attainable goals, with something shown, are superior to projection. The world will not just go one's way because one wills it. It must be made to happen. The exceptions are coincidence or certainties. Folly is a dance. One is better off refusing certain steps. Codes of conduct must come from within, else once coercive force is removed it will evaporate. Laws are best ignored. What matters is self and those immediately around us. A group or individual code means something. The decrees of corrupt politicians are meaningless. Empathy is the primary tool for understanding others. One does not act indiscriminately against fellow human being, merely others. One can be free, but must accept limits to avoid the shadows and insanity.

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