Saturday, October 08, 2005

On This Modern Warrior Archetype Part Two.5.1

5a. In maintaining power, one sometimes requires a display. If not carefully calculated, the resultant spectacle may prove detrimental. One needs to possess the wisdom to know the degree demanded. When, Where and How Much are important considerations. Lest ones enemies and opponents become emboldened, one does not wish to become over extended. Most sociopaths do not have possession of the correct level of detachment for such determinations. They believe their power to be absolute. In reality, due to systemic failings, those attracted to the notion of power have deeply flawed characters. This Modern Warrior Archetype must learn the means and methods in counter-acting and/or exploiting these defects for and beyond Maximum Advantage in all Things. In so doing, one must understand empathy. One must also know the real enemies. Else one will fail.

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