Saturday, January 07, 2006

An Argument Against “Moral Character” by Travis B. #4

One: the act does not indicate a conscious deterministic logic to entail it.

Consider how many actions we have ourselves have taken, to be considered compelled by reason. Reason is thus defined, according to this argument, as a self-evaluated and thus self-imposed set of parameters on the following selection of activity. Although this reasoning does explain the individual’s support and thus conceptualization of judgment it neither supports that judgment nor justifies the results. This reason thus exists within a moral vacuum that neither justifies its existence nor explains that person’s perceived right to impinge that said action within the interpersonally affecting sphere of society. Any attempt to justify the conscious reason thus becomes circular and meaningless. The result is the intra-psychic projection of intra-psychic contents, supported by an individual rationale that exists within a moral vacuum.

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