Thursday, August 17, 2006

On This Modern Warrior Archetype Part Six.6.7

6g. Mass media is an efficient vector for disseminating influence. Appeal may be easily projected through such means. At the same time, simplicity does not imply that one should become lazy with respect to the message. The world changes. Repetition causes communications to lose their charm. In addition, the audience changes. One group may be attracted to that which another finds repulsive. Maximum Advantage demands that everyone be treated the same. Unfortunately, this demand often leads to backlash against the source of propaganda. Hence, in the scheme of the Technical Morality, a lowest common denominator is sought. This ground state is stable, but cannot changed without a great deal of effort. In fact, in light of the potential for upset, it is probably better never to try. Despite popular dullness, other means exist. One need only be personal about it.

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