Monday, September 11, 2006

Interlude: Dark Ages America Part-3

Continued from Part-2

4a. The author writes at length concerning a concept called "Liquid Modernity" (LM). LM is basically the product of a valueless society characterized by rampant consumerism (everything is a product), social isolation and resultant loneliness, no stability, no tradition and no orientation. He makes the point that Americans have forgotten what it means to be an American (except in the negative sense which defines American by what we are not). Other characteristics of LM also include, the worker being unconnected to craft. Machines do all the work, so there is not sense of craftsmanship. (Or as I can attest as an engineer, machines create so much work and unnecessary revisions that after a time one stops caring and only wants to get the job out the door.)

4b. Globalization is a by-product of liquid modernity. Products are uniform and come from anywhere. It also produced a race to the bottom.

4c. Liquid Modernity is only possible among an over stimulated population. Like any addict, the populace wants more and more of nothing.

4d. Liquid Modernity causes news to become entertainment. A disconnected populace only cares about stimulation, not content. (Like malt liquor?)

4e. Liquid Modernity celebrates narcissism. Selfishness is a virtue.

4f. Children have become nothing but another consumer demographic. Even psychoactive medications are marketed towards children. Rather than deal with a child's reaction to social decay, a pill is pushed to allow the child to adapt to a maladaptive environment. Meanwhile, all sorts of other garbage is peddled to children.

4g. Community has disappeared. Few know or care about their neighbors. Other than stale and plastic malls, there is no center to most communities. In the extreme, a culture of depraved indifference has arisen. The author gives several examples.


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