Saturday, October 07, 2006

Interlude: Dark Ages America Part-13

16. Overall, Dark Ages America is worth reading concerning the Decline and Fall of western and particularly the US. Basically, the culture has opted to commit suicide through decay. Maximum Advantage in All Things is hollow. One of the things I never have understood is the belief that some specific cause (or range) is solely responsible for systemic failures. Internal cultural trends and forces seeking to eliminate the existence of Western Civilization would have little appeal were this Civilization viewed as something worth preserving by a significant segment of the population. One way or another, respect must be earned. Decadence withers regard. These viewpoints can be repressed by eliminating insight, but never eliminated. Indeed, external forces would have no real negative net effect on a healthy society. The drowning of New Orleans could not have occurred in an environment with sound social, cultural and government structures. Empires dig their own graves. These Days, these trends just appear to be a lot quicker than in the past. Acceleration hastens the final destination. The ruling elite assume that nothing, beyond cosmetics, will ever change. As those controlling mass media, their message will never speculate otherwise. They believe their own propaganda. Hence, psychologically, collapse will hit those believing in this false permanence hardest. Those already aware of their situation will find adapting easier.


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