Wednesday, November 15, 2006

On This Modern Warrior Archetype Part Six.8.13

8m. Maximum Advantage thrives under care and feeding by bureaucratic institutions.[6]  The machine becomes necessary. As efficiency is sought (and even sometimes found) through consolidation, the Technical Morality becomes a means for justification of the ends. Size become necessary. As their mandates expand, bureaucracies grow and bloat. Although never successful, they seek to encompass everything. Eventually, a point is reached where money runs thin. When funds grow short, the law is then used to force technical improvement. Others are forced and coerced into following these unfunded dictates unto unity. Unity defines totalitarianism. Bureaucracy is the enemy of freedom.

[6] Granted, bureaucracies of a limited sort and scope existed prior to widespread Technique, but the older form was mostly (with the notable exception of Confucianism) a system of patronage.

[7] And not just the public sector.

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