Saturday, February 24, 2007

On This Modern Warrior Archetype Part Six.9.20

9r. In a stagnant environment, degenerated elites will begin to view chasms as peaks. Deliberate self-deception becomes common among those stake holders with the most to lose. If enough mass believes its civilization is worth defending, it will stand a far greater chance of survival. If few have vested interests, then upset will far more likely lead to irreversible chaos. Gravity always pulls down.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These chasms thus become synonymous with the prerequisite paradigm shift for advancement antithetically believed to be contingent on esoteric meanings of self indulgence, stasis, and thus defeat. To improve upon thus becomes synonymous with to lose and to lose becomes synomyous with death. Self deception, as a common parlor trick, becomes prerequisite to the gravitational pull of the entropic psychosocial state, albeit with good self intentions.