Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Physics and Philosophy - Thoughts on the Implications of Quantum Mechanics, and Other Matters #12i

12i. The formulation of Copenhagen Interpretation of quantum mechanics, to the point were the terms are synonymous, was long and drawn out. Unlike classical theories, such as Newtonian mechanics and special relativity, no one individual scientist or mathematician was chiefly responsible for its development. It changed the way people look at the world. Physics is no longer strictly causal. Even while neglected by lack of reciprocation, philosophy was impacted no less profoundly. Theories and ideas inconsistent with quantum mechanics have lost credence, if not their following. At the least initially, dis-empowered stakeholders will reflexively react negatively. Some will adapt. Others will ignore the new ideas. The most extreme cases are threatened and even provoked by scientific revelation. If cornered, the resultant backlash will be intense. Reality is often not truth.

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