Though not the cause, the strict positivist mentality pervading industrial societies, while infecting others, produced two World Wars and the Cold War. It then spread across the world, like a cancer, to those societies incompatible with its dictates. These Fall Apart and threaten the stability of the whole as primary loyalties take the place of the state.[9] The human factor has failed to develop at the same pace as its tools and toys. Human cultures appear incapable with ultimately dealing with these rapid pace stresses. The inertia is too great. Mental energy is directed toward progress. Rigid mechanistic doctrines fit the times but not the future. Victory was assured by the dialectic, which proved itself wrong. Nothing is inevitable except death and taxes. Nationalism proved stronger than international worker solidarity. Properly utilized, tribal rivalries are easier to promote and maintain. Xenophobic propaganda does not rely upon reason or rationale. Unrestrained, as in the case of the Cold War, an unstable condition was created thus leading to nuclear brinkmanship that culminated in the Cuban missile crisis. Excessive rhetoric can be exceedingly antagonistic, and required toning down. Propaganda became less inflammatory and over-stated. Employed too readily, blatant propaganda becomes extremely hollow. A softer touch used to Maximum Advantage in All Things was required and developed accordingly. Art was co-opted by both the propaganda and advertising industries.[10] The emerging technological society would not allow itself to be destroyed. Rather, quick destruction could be averted while still enriching the arms industry. The combination was simply the most efficient societal means. The technological system encroached upon all others. The approval of the positivist mind set was met, because its parts may be measured. One cannot quantify emotions. Hence, the qualified has no value except to be exploited for Maximum Advantage in All Things. Manipulation assures concern to be a liability. The mediocre becomes ascendant. Slave and master moralities were quickly absorbed into the technological framework, and synthesized into a common median. The resultant system, developed by exploiting and encouraging conflict, allows justification for increased efficiency essential for technical propagation. Unlike harsher systemic schemes, the minimum effort necessary for maximum gain is the approved standard applied. The resultant mythos created is a hollow mockery. Progress rolling over everything, defining all valuations by drenching the earth in blood if necessary, is perceived as good in a world long past such quaint notions. However, progress does provide some continuity for us drones chained to its capital-controlled economic system. Else all would perceive the drift. A supposed link with past traditions has been a common error during all ages. The current era is no different. The base means are dredged for Maximum Advantage, a value system which attaches parasitically to any available host as a means of least action. Rebellion is subdued by commodification of its products. The elite gain by the stability necessary for maximum technical efficiency. The resultant cultural inertia often produces weak worthless decedents, whom mean absolutely nothing, slowly withering away in stupid angst. Only their money saves their useless existence from being stomped into mulch. The slow mediocre spiral drags all down by subduing natural reactions in favor of anti-natural meaning. Inefficiency is evil, but the walking dead are an abomination. Maximum Advantage is not destined to be long lasting, but will permeate everything of value in a skewed technological society. The hyper-rational must allow outlets for expression, but never enough to upset the established order. Any popular appeal will be bought and sold to a hyper-stimulated populace craving new diversions. Existing pathways are exploited to natural advantage in all things by superceding nature itself. Corruption is a by-product which must be minimized by expending very little, thus little may be corrupted. Hence, decay is evidenced over collapse. While allowing less room for discontent, passivity is always encouraged and valued over submission. Populations do not rebel over boredom.[11]
[9] See the writings of William S. Lind, and John Robb.
[10] Is there a difference?
[11] Except, for a time, as a passage of youth. Church burnings in Scandinavia are an example.
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