Saturday, August 04, 2012

Deescalate the Fallout

Veteran Seattle cop accused of using excessive force.  By provoking an angry mob, especially in an age where everyone's phone is a video recorder, his brazen assaults made every cop on-site a potential target. The next time (and for police there is always a next time), rather than angry words, the crowd may have turned violent.  ("Hey, it's those pigs!")  By turning in their fellow officer, they are attempting to deescalate the fallout.  In a heavily armed society, the next confrontation may potentially involve gunfire. If these actions were in a closed setting, absent an angry mob, the officers would look the other way. Psychos are sometimes useful (few cops really want to be the first cop to kick in a door), so they are tolerated if they can maintain control in public situations.

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