Sunday, September 26, 2004

On Propaganda and Advertising 37-48

37. Advertising sells you something you don't need. Propaganda sells you something you don't want. Prevalence is indicative of effectiveness. Yet, despite the billions of dollars spent, most believe the influence of propaganda and advertising negligible. The power of both advertising and propaganda depends on the human propensity for self-deception. Awareness would negate much influence.
38. On Repentance
Propaganda is best disseminated by the willing. Nobody is fooled by confessions beaten out of someone. A backlash response is risked by those foolish enough to employ such gross methods. Rather, the admission of guilt must appear to be genuinely heartfelt. A carrot beats a stick anyway. A shorter prison sentence will do wonders in convincing someone the error of their ways. "Just make a statement and it will go easier. Besides, it is only words versus hard-time..."
39. Propaganda is limited by the willingness of the opportunist to exploit everything for maximum advantage. Except for appearances, the propagandist must not be concerned with any other baser morality. Outright lies, which cannot stand the light of day, should be avoided. Credibility is better than gold or sex to the successful propagandist. Truth is best distorted or bent but not broken. After all, if caught, one can always claim to have made a mistake. Perception defines reality, and many claims are best declared as an opinion in the form of absolutes. Ruthlessness might be a constant in achieving optimal results, but it must not appear as such. Nobody likes a bully. One must respect potential opponents or else possibly fall to hubris. Over-confidence is a sin to maximum advantage. Even the smallest enemies can always find a lynch pin, thus bringing everything crashing down. Fog provides cover. Only an idiot believes otherwise. However, a line must be drawn over which any who dare step must be dealt with for maximum advantage. Small threats may be magnified through scare tactics. However, large threats should be minimized and even publicly discounted to avoid panic. In so doing, the opportunist sometimes walks a tightrope. Some fall, but others are always waiting in the wings. Depending upon nobody, the system remains intact. The opportunist must never believe his or herself essential (especially if true). The passive spectator loves to see others fall and burn. Why else do most watch auto racing if not for the wrecks? Enjoying the suffering of others is shameful joy, but a pleasure all the same. A precarious position will always tempt someone to give a little shove. Of course, the opportunist may always exploit unstable equilibrium for distraction. Self-interest is everything. Over-reliance on others is a weakness. A web must be constructed which entangles, ergo forcing others to be dependant and supportive. Reciprocity should be limited. The opportunist must be at the center pulling strings. Talent is measured by the ability to do so without others being aware of it. A willing tool is worth more than anything but power itself. The leveraged offer lukewarm support at best, and may not always be counted upon to perform beyond the mediocre. Fortunately, for the opportunist, this sort will corrupt themselves by calling all associations mutual. They really believe it. A population, which has been subjected to endless propaganda concerning criminals and terrorists (whatever that means), is easily frightened into passive submission. A majority will yield much to feel safe. The opportunist must exploit this situation to maximum advantage in all things. Opponents should do the same...
40. Propaganda is intangible and often denied. "Nobody is directly forcing anyone to agree with it", says the target. "Only others are affected by propaganda. How could anyone believe such awful things otherwise? They must have been propagandized, but not me! I believe it. Nobody is forcing anyone to agree..."
41. Why does the above not seem familiar?
42. Successful propaganda demands an emotional investment and response. The herd mentality offers an easy platform. Individual knee-jerk reactions are undesirable in a mass society. Conflicting concerns will cause hesitation in proportion to mass. As a result, groups are more easily malleable and managed than individuals or family units. Even enemies are better gathered together and contained where they can be watched. Individuals and small cells are not easily stopped. Unpredictability contra maximum advantage. The lone wolf may do damage but will also spook the herd. Much freedom is willingly given up to feel safe. Hence, rebellion is tolerated, and even encouraged when money is to be made. Control is a side-benefit. Revolt is something else all together...
43. Propaganda cannot be static. Repetition confers immunity by masking. Propaganda utilizes both art and science through application of ever-refined technique. However, interestingly, propaganda is only studied and discussed when outdated. Its present incarnation is always disputed and denied. If identified, propaganda ceases to be propaganda, only a failed attempt at influence. It properly masquerades as truth. Over time, propaganda has evolved in subtlety and sophistication by moving into the realm of the abstract. Blatant manipulation does not really receive serious consideration in an information culture where supposed facts may be quickly checked and disputed. Instead, certain cultural myths are endlessly repeated in multiple incarnations. Constant repetition conditions but does not create truth. The same message will appear hollow before too long thus necessitating newer pastures and approaches. Hence, individuals and interests will come and depart from the scene, whereas the system becomes more seemingly stable by maintaining the illusion of democracy. Progress is defined by the parade of the spectacle. Eventually, the balloon fills with so much hot air, sails aloft and looses its mooring. Mesmerized, the inhabitants of the gondola fail to notice the extent of their removal from reality until it all comes crashing down. After hitting the ground hard, they die with a look of incredulity on their faces. External observers in hindsight simply shake their head in wonder while making the same ascent themselves. Hence, the cycle continues...
44. Counter-propaganda is effective but care must be taken not to allow it to be turned against its source for maximum advantage. In general, the opposition relies too much on ideals which will not stand the light of day when juxtaposed with the failings of their proponents. Additionally, few wish to be discomforted by truths and facts which violate cherished cultural myths. The messenger will not be given the benefit of the doubt. Effective counter-propaganda must be tailored to suite by appealing to immediate realities which cannot be ignored. A laid-off industrial worker may question the corporate world view which lead to his or her current predicament, but may not be ready for more fundamental questions concerning societal structures. Idealists want the whole pie, and therefore always fail. One bite at a time...
45. On Advertising
i. Advertisements and advertising techniques are well known and studied. Although related and utilized to augment propaganda, advertising deserves a separate classification by virtue of its more blatant approach. Advertising does not pretend to be anything other than what it is. Only small children fail to recognize an advertisement. Its aims are obvious, but effective. Else it would not be so pervasive, invasive and prevalent. Advertising has even developed to the point where it need not even attempt to sell anything specific, instead marketing brands. A favorable impression is conferred upon the parent corporation which allows the sale of any product and service under a well-recognized brand name. In addition, corrupt corporate practices may be glossed over by these slick advertising campaigns. Consequently, advertising becomes a new form of effective propaganda. Indeed, the masses even pay to be instruments of its dissemination by parading around with the logo...
ii. Advertising creates the verbal world of consumerism thereby propagating the mythological magic of the marketplace. Reality is supplanted. Never mind the emptiness of modern life and sweat shop labor, happiness and fulfillment may be bought. Nothing matters except shopping. The individual becomes dissociated from true needs. Emotions are manipulated by imagery and projection. "If only I could be like..." A value system is artificially created which shores support for the entire monolithic economic system. Consumerist inclinations are instilled, utilizing but not subject to the whims of fashion. Only the system matters, not product lines or even business ventures, thus generating the sensation of motion even while everything stagnates. A trend might fade or fail, but the instilled need to consume remains...
iii. Advertising's propaganda role is facilitated by several other factors. Socialization is a process which occurs on many levels which advertising exploits for maximum advantage in all matters possible. The most fundamental target probably involves interactions within the family unit. A child which views its parents as participants in consumerist culture will less likely question its entirety. Other influences, such as education, socialize the consumer to accept his or her place in this established verbal world. None will encourage the individual to buck the system. The worst backlash usually emerges as simple cynicism. Besides, integration with the verbal world of consumerism need not be indoctrinated in the strictest sense. One does not need to fully believe in the consumerist value system to be fully immersed in it. It doesn't strictly matter if one likes it. The heart and mind are irrelevant as long as money is spent. No other system is so base.
46. On Conditioning and Time
Propaganda requires utilizing existing structures and groundwork for maximum advantage in all things. The target must be optimally susceptible. A false belief in self-determination is necessary for maximum efficiency in these matters. Conformity is best voluntary. Force is a messy and inefficient means that might provoke a backlash, especially in the age of video. The conditioning process settles best when subtle. Collective perception defines duration and intrusiveness. Time is experienced differently. Granted, a sample of radioactive material decays in specific half-lives, therefore demonstrating the existence of time. However, point-of-view is a different matter. Accomplishing a task in the shortest time possible is the definition of efficiency. The individual must be conditioned to accept ever shorter time intervals. The program is advanced by over-loading the long term view with short term concerns through increasing levels of stimuli. The only defense is an exceptional retention ability. However, since the process is accomplished over decades, even long memories are affected. The result is a speeding up of the pace of work and relatively little resistance compared to accomplishing the same task in a shorter period. A typical office worker will unquestionably acquiesce to a work load which would have caused a peasant uprising in the middle ages. Some propaganda campaigns are extremely long term, but remain unnoticed by those caught up in the rat race. Orchestration is automatic and may be a by-product of a technological civilization. Unfortunately, the lack of any valid comparisons make such assertions highly speculative even while catching all in its net. Passivity is instilled when long term viewpoints are regarded incompatible with perceived reality. Vicarious distractions are a most efficient means which allows discontent to be channeled along harmless, and even profitable lines. Revolt is nullified by the resultant dissipation of energy. The primal instincts become submerged, and neurotic tendencies emerge. Hence, avenues for dissipation become necessary. For some, the directions channeled are not enough. We call some of these types deviants, insane, criminals or geniuses. Any deviations are branded, thus promoting the commonplace and conformity. The herd instinct is difficult for many types to buck. Positive reinforcement so often takes the form of being part of the group. The individual is further submerged and goes under. Only a few swim to the surface undamaged. The rest drown their identity in favor of roles and archetypes. Sometimes only the shadow remains. Malleability is often rewarded which further reinforces passive behavior. Of course, sometimes the populace must be incensed to support such things as war. Each instance confers immunity. As time goes on, the act becomes far more difficult. Some by-products are difficult to overcome...
47. Propaganda agitates, integrates or attempts both aims. Revolt is forbidden in this age. Rebellion is allowed. This epoch may be nearing its end...
48. Propaganda fills needs by supplanting others. Technological society increasingly isolates the individual by the offering of endless diversions. Common experiences are fewer. Reference points diverge. The herd wears blinders, and fail to see their fellows in the same row of the stampede. Facing trampling from behind, uncertain of the sides, the only stimuli is the thundering hooves to the front. None will stop. Yet all must. Perhaps a trip rope...

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