Wednesday, September 29, 2004

On Propaganda and Advertising 49-51

49. Carving perceptual niches, propaganda is a powerful means of polarization. Hence, we have race consciousness over class consciousness in a nation of mutts (ever hear a politician call it that?). Indoctrination occurs over a lifetime and may not be broken overnight. It may be bent by an emphasis on facts, but the emotional component is a different matter. "Us and them" need to be redefined. Intellectuals are best avoided in this concern. Their uselessness stems from their quick willingness to accept polarization. Consumed by non-issues, being apprehensive about their reputation and dependant upon stupid paradigms, they will not easily change horses in midstream. Perhaps, it is better to walk rather than ride away...
50. Complete freewill is a myth based on the erroneous viewpoint that one could always choose another track. Its proponents have never experienced responsibility or duty. Some pathways are blocked, whereas others are unacceptable. The greatest triumph of modern propaganda is the conviction otherwise...
51. On Limitations
Propaganda may sometimes prove so successful or pervasive that it negates itself by various means. Simple over-exposure thus confers immunity. Over long durations, propaganda loses its impact. As a result, the messenger becomes less credible. Hence, fresh approaches are necessary from time to time. Another inherent deficiency of propaganda effects its ability to demonize and terrorize. An opponent may be so smeared as to evoke sympathy. A little negativity goes a long way. Over-use de-sensitizes. Conversely, negativity confers legitimacy. A balanced approach involves fear coupled to a strong ideological foundation. Most opposition movements rely too much on appeals to reason...
1996 - January 1, 2001

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