Thursday, January 20, 2005

A Conclusion - Four

Censorship appears acceptable when self-imposed. The same corporate media which will happily collude with the government in most circumstances will fight a subpoena to appear in court. Failure to do so would lessen their credibility / entertainment value. American mainstream press is mostly amusement and diversion. News is nothing more than a means to provide filler for the advertisement. News consists of either the banal, such as cute little bunnies rescued during a flood or fuzzy human interest stories, or hype. Criminal acts are endlessly aired, thus altering perceptions and inducing dread. Thus, the population as a whole become fearful and stays home. Wars make for high ratings. Only an industry could produce the saturation necessary for such undertakings. The First Amendment of the U.S. can be abused and exploited to Maximum Advantage. A major flaw is the backlash created as deep divisions are exposed by such tactics. However, discounting systemic destruction, the corporate press mill is basically unstoppable by any means by inertia. The result is many simply look away. Legitimacy is threatened by a general lack of civic participation. Only whores and thieves remain–as the only type left with anything to gain. Of course, many people do go through the motions, sometimes enthusiastically, but more often fail to bring about more than cosmetic reforms or an occasional table scrap from on high. As the protests prior to the Iraq War illustrate, even mass actions can be ignored. The power elite have grown arrogant. Their system is declining toward eventual failure. Their blunders are magnified as accomplishments are diminished. Enemies, both internal and external, are created daily. Conspiracy is as unnecessary as it is impossible; only collusion has potential. Do nothing. Let religious fanatics do the dirty work.[1] The after life. Apathy kills. In the end, as everything falls apart on its own, the power elite will be stunned–the possibility will never have occurred to them–and I will laugh at their inbred brows furrowed in a vain attempt to understand that which they cannot.

[1] At least, the Islamic zealots have the decency to make the world a better place–by leaving it! If only Christians maniacs would follow their lead into active nihilism...


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