Monday, January 10, 2005

Follow The Path of Least Resistance 11-End

11. Sometimes it's best to just go with events and let events carry one along. This way of life is especially useful if the final destination appears inevitable–let the world chose the path. The ego is suspended; the outcome is completely beyond control. What will be will be. Uncertainty is rarely total. Only effort is required (and very little besides). Relax. Learn to laugh as the world eats itself. One cannot stop it. One can attempt to hasten things a bit. The quickest end is a qualitative and quantitative improvement over dragging everything out. More will survive; the fall will not be as high. All plummets are not equal (some are just less equal than others). Only an idiot would forget a parachute (or a rope).

12. Belief sustains systems. Creation is a far greater task. Belief can be represented spectrally as rightness v. consequence. The former almost always overcomes the latter. Fear does not have the same power as the sense of being a part of something far greater. Causes may provide the motivation, but religion is enduring.

End. Anyway you look at it:
You cannot win. So why try? You futile attempts are humorous. You make me laugh. It cannot be any other way. I just follow the path of least resistance: start with the working assumption that you will always do the wrong thing. You are incompetent. You are not up to the job. You cannot succeed. You cannot make it right. Nobody can. The best that one can expect is to do no net or excessive harm. You can never accept your limits; therefore, you mostly fail. To be human is to be mostly stupid. You only shame yourself. Your loss is my gain.


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