Wednesday, June 01, 2005


5. On Megalomaniacs (a Practicality):

Local alliances will form and dissolve once central control has faded. Circumstances and personalities will both play large roles concerning success or failure. Steps must be taken to prevent the ascension of the power mad. Stalin is the only needed argument.[35] Quiet preparation will dissuade the impatient. However, some would surely bide their time for the opportune moment. Meanwhile, information technology can enable communication or create appropriate disinformation. The media is a prime example of a workable system. Propaganda can only be battled with its own mechanisms.[36] These techniques should be studies to enable proper understanding. The machine will rust on its own. Armed rebellion is unnecessary. An open distortion policy might sidetrack conspiracy charges through the typical purge. Any such attempts will require certain methods be exposed and negated. The mirror opposite has more potential being less condemnable (lest a backlash is created). Infiltration is no concern. The stated objective is waiting for a natural decline and fall of the global corporate empire. Most government agencies would find the notion absurd. The government is immortal to those people, even were it to be dust.

[35] Stalin was able to seize power through his office of secretary. He controlled internal information among the fledgling communist party. Hence, Lenin's death-bed warnings concerning him were silenced.

[36] See Jaques Ellul, Propaganda, 1966.

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