Friday, June 03, 2005


Neither the government nor the population has the best interests of the individual at heart. Lip service means nothing. Their coinage is bankrupt. Their deaths will be well deserved and should be kept final. Their will be no second coming. Martyrdom is for tools. The human herd animal must be largely exterminated by suicide. One need not lift a finger until the final remnants are eliminated. The next step in human cultural evolution will be extremely bloody. Hopefully, this will be the last war. Future fights will be more personal. Humans are social creatures, but the herd is a dead end. The pack will rise again, driving the herd screaming over the cliff face. The leaders will be the last. Their only use is meat. A pack will scatter and regroup for maximum advantage. The herd will huddle. One must find distance, including the manipulation of the slow declining process. Enemies should be encouraged suicidal preemptive errors. Their stupidity will enable this tactic. These people actually believe themselves immune, hence their easy susceptibility. Morality has encouraged overpopulation. The environment might not sustain these numbers. Numbers will mean death. No longer will outside barbarians topple the decadent. These must come from within. Entropy will reign. An individual should see its effects and learn the consequences. The boiling rate can be controlled to a certain degree. Unnatural constraints represent opportunities. Most will believe their reality; the individual will discard those lies. The species can be saved from extinction, but only for a price. Difficult choices must be made, else swallow hemlock and be removed from the problem. The government and population represent the lowest common denominator. The time has come for a new math. Negation is an alternative.

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