Friday, July 01, 2005

Neither the Government nor the Population (6th Draft): FACTORS Part 3.1.4

iii. On Dissent:

The broadest meaning attributable to dissent would be disagreement with official views and policy. The U.S. Constitution supposedly guarantees this right, but only when it doesn't hamper or offend the power elite. The illusion must be maintained. Therefore, dissent becomes a matter of semantics. The degree allowed unhindered is proportional to its irrelevancy. A crackdown will always follow dissent beyond this allowed boundary. Certain viewpoints are dangerous to the official power structure and must be dealt accordingly. The reaction may be an actual indicator of systemic weakness, or utilized for a propaganda example. The two cases may not be easily discernable, or even separable. Tools have multiple uses. Actual force employed would signify actual decay.[4] A quantifiable approach could be developed over time, thereby minimizing error, to gauge the actual decline and consequent vulnerability. Direct action should not be considered until the appropriate parameters have been reached. The time scales involved, spanning decades, will ensure the minimization of a potential error. The proper moment will not be realized until a purge can no longer be a likely concern. The official power structure will have enough problems at that point.

Vanity should be discarded.

[4] This assumes the decision was rational and based upon reality (never certain).

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