Wednesday, July 20, 2005

NTGNTP (6th Draft): DATA Part 5.2.0

2. Technology dulls the intellect and facilitates the lowest common denominator by several means. First, the species is isolated from the base physical world. The anti-natural has superceded the natural by its allure of security and comfort. The weak survive. This state may not always be maintained, and could lead to unpleasant consequences for those unable to cope with anything else. Second, the playing field is leveled. The exceptional are made equal with the mediocre. Striving has become equivalent with surviving. Both are weakened in this process, by confusing the aims and goals. Third, technology provides a medium for dissemination stimuli with little or negative value. A million theatrical deaths discount the reality, thereby making it both palatable and potable. Anything may be reduced to it market value. The above three arguments may be only slightly restated, regarding politics or Christianity. Both have been the subject of past wars. Will technology be the scapegoat for future conflicts? Warfare is the process of natural selection among the human herd animal. Removing these causes would not end war. New justifications would arise or be created. Of course, the elimination of the herd might be an entirely different matter. We really like killing each other, but the instincts regarding war might be lessened in scale (if not intensity). Feuding is less nauseating. Physically killing someone is far mare personal than collateral damage. One must have the courage to face, even embrace, their own destructive drives. The herd mentality would have no influence over such individuals. Heroes are no longer needed, only created for propaganda purposes. The genuine article needs returning, rather than servile machines. Extinction is a deserved potential for those failing this task.

Refuse to be a lemming!

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