Monday, December 18, 2006

On This Modern Warrior Archetype Part Six.9.2

9b. The past often lives far longer than deserved or warranted. The continuing fixation on economic references long deceased is one such case. For example, social realities of the 19th Century were held by Marxists long after those social classes had ceased. In the West, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat were once distinct and at odds. Over time, it could be argued, much of that distinction has become blurred. The middle class once owned and passed on property to its descendants. Now, mortgaged to the hilt, most properties are owned by the bank. If you can’t burn it to the ground, then it isn’t owned. Yet, the middle class still often behaves as if it is separate from the working class, and as if the corporations bleeding it dry share a common interest with itself. By still insisting on this artificial division, the political Left helps perpetrate this great error and fractures itself in the process. Even worse, the Left believes that things like lifestyles are more important than economic reality. No wonder the political Left has accomplished nothing in forty years. 

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