Saturday, December 30, 2006

On This Modern Warrior Archetype Part Six.9.6

9f. Western civilization appears determined to destroy itself. Two World Wars were fought to try and kill it. When a third orgy of mass destruction became became impossible,[10] it lapsed into decadence to finish the job. Its exhaustion is showing. Stronger civilizations are vying to edge its prominence out. Internally, strong cultural trends are attempting to deliver the coup de grace without an actual coup d’etat.[11] As a result, Things simply Fall Apart on Their Own. In the age of the declining state, a slow descent does allow for the possibility of mitigation by those aware of its passing. One can be blind but still have sight.

[10] Civilization should not be confused with the world.   Some things go too far.

[11] At least, the alternative would be quicker. A sure sign of decadence is the complete inability to get things over in a timely manner.

Happy New Year.

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