Saturday, November 06, 2004

Concerning Character and Archetypal Behavior Patterns (Part 1)

Draft 5.0

1. Introduction:
The Psychologist Carl Jung first identified the formation and emergence of archetypal behavior patterns in early western 20th Century culture. These archetypes would necessarily change with time and society. Personalities are somewhat malleable to external forces, pressures and trends. This treatment should not be confused with stereotypes, which are concerned with the perceptions of others, rather than the self-image of the individual. An archetype concerns group and personal identification. Although the metaphorical world was shrinking, Dr. Jung could not have accounted for the effects which global mass media would play in the formation of archetypes. Before, the more immediate surroundings enjoyed maximum impact. Now, that once given assumption might not indeed be the case, existing only in a verbal or virtual world. Conformity and maladaptive extremes could readily become more common. Media reinforcement can outweigh all others. Conflict between intentional conditioning and deliberate socialization provides opportunities for profit. The individual chooses a role but not without reinforcement. Controlling media interests have a stake and a share. Truly anti-establishment archetypes will not be promoted.
In North America certain behavior tendencies are imprinted on a high number of individuals. Roles are both conditioned and chosen. All are still products, some just more so. Those "apparently" less impacted have strong personalities, anti-social tendencies, affect a rebellious stance or have negligible influence in society. Those contesting this assertion need only witness the extent and pervasiveness of popular cultural subgroups and trends.[1] Commonalities run along generational, class, religious, racial, ethnic, gender or a combination of lines. The all-inclusive is limited to the largest unity. Patriotic, nationalist and capitalist sentiments are reinforced by strong cultural myths like progress. Lesser unities are inconsequential. The following are examples of current archetypes in the United States. Some digressions concerning their formation and contributing influences regarding character are included. The first several are axes the author wishes to grind for his amusement.

2. The Idiot Intellectual:[2]
The least worthwhile archetype, and therefore best gotten out of the way, is the Idiot Intellectual. Tragically, these windbags have almost superseded the genuine article. This type has learned the affectations and appearance, even ability, to intellectualize, but rarely blabbers anything worthwhile or intrinsically valuable. The occasional gem is probably plagiarized. The drivel spewed forth is simply not worthy of respect or consideration. The messenger deserves even less. A point-of-view based upon garbage warrants internment in the deepest landfill. A parrot is not a thinker. Intellectual rubbish is actually more worthless than trash, because it consumes all while leaving nothing. Generally, these parasites are brats of upper middle class and higher upbringing.[3] Many prove themselves walking poster children for abortion. These simpering idiots are simply attempting to deny their own mediocrity and innate worthlessness by sounding intelligent. The Vietnam war enabled this creation by lowering standards in academic institutions, especially within liberal arts and fine arts departments. A professor was faced with the prospect of failed students being drafted into the military, or passing the incompetent[4]. The semantics became more important than real intellectual content. This downward slide has continued unabated through the present. Substandard products have no alternative. Universities and colleges need tuition money to make up for shrinking funding of higher education. After paying up, these bores have their egos stroked and coddled before being thrown out into the indifferent real world. This process might be contemptuous, but this kind does not deserve any better consideration. Few tears would be shed over their point blank execution against the wall. These people are taught analytical skills based upon feelings, which affectively reverses emotional response. The resultant imprint is mostly inappropriate to the external world. The Idiot Intellectual will believe anything they are told spoken in an academic tone, and are too stupid to question any of it. Even a rebel is more respectable. A verbal world is created by projecting fears and emotions. Some merit may exist in a limited sense, such as artistic critiques, but applies little elsewhere. The Idiot Intellectual sees no boundaries except those duly absorbed or instructed. Emotional demands require too much identity. The Idiot Intellectual becomes entrapped in the surreal by having a false personal stake based upon emotion. Individual self-concept is buried beneath a mountain of pseudo-logically derived inanities. The resultant blindness is consistent inconsistency. Objectivity is always questionable in those who view their emotions as sacrosanct and unquestionable. Open mindedness is for dullards and Idiot Intellectuals. All their pronouncements are equivalent and worthless. These people suffer a need to be stroked. Their worthless mental void is filled so as to allow them to feel better about their idiocy. Sensitivity is often used as a veil to cloak deficiency. The sensitive just has not been beaten enough. Their artificial environment cloisters and smothers. Reality is viewed through narrow confines by slugs whom produce nothing for nothing. Their empty minds may be filled with anything, and not even quickly. NYU Physicist Alan Sokol illustrated this observation extremely well with his spoof article at the expense of the Duke University journal Social Text (see References). Passive absorption made the prank possible. The idiot intellectual will regurgitate anything presented in a prior approved format. Political correctness is a prime example. No matter the absurdity, anything masquerading in those terms will receive automatic acceptance. Creativity, despite mediocre attempts and pretenses, does not exist for such mental blobs, whose main use is fodder. Unlike others, the Idiot Intellectual has begged to be meat, and deserve no other use nor consideration. By discarding their intrinsic worth, the Idiot Intellectual is doomed to ignite like a two dimensional paper cartoon[5]. Death to the stupid[6]!

[1] Including rebellion.

[2] This de-constructionist piece, among others, was written in lieu of outright violence. It beats jail and unemployment...

[3] Which shows that the wealthy also display a tendency to breed with their own kin, not unlike others from lower socioeconomic strata often vilified for it. A great many blue blood family trees, especially those descended from European royalty, don't fork much.

[4] Meanwhile, the scientific and technical fields succumbed to a different mediocrity through overspecialization, although other departments would later catch up. Academia fosters the same results in standards, via institutional reliance on methodology. Technique is prevalent across the academic spectrum.

[5] You know who you are...

[6] In other words, fuck you.

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