Friday, November 19, 2004

Maximum Advantage: Inevitable Deductions 30-33

30. On the Integral
Integrity is best self-compromised. Internal corruption is more readily embraced. Herd opinions are simply a matter of coincidence. One would believe a certain way without any external influence. Nobody is a product of their environment. Poverty is deserved. All men are created equal. Progress is everything. As always: “Death to the stupid!”

31. The non-conformist represents an excellent target to be exploited for maximum advantage. Duration is not a constant. Some marks are ephemeral. Others may be ages old. Confusing extremes is counter-productive. Yesterday's draft dodger is tomorrow's president. Nazis will never be popular except as boogie-men hiding under every rock. The world moves onward, but never at different rates. Progress would have us believe otherwise. The opportunist must pick targets and labels carefully to avoid a backlash reaction. One must be with the times. Certain tides may not be resisted. Human aggression needs an outlet. Internalization leads to depressive effects. Enemies may be actual or shaped to fit the bill. Perceived wrongs are an excellent means. Even the decadent possesses the instinct for revenge. Survival instincts may become so warped as to be almost unrecognizable and degenerate. The opportunist must identify the appropriate button and exploit it to maximum advantage. Fear is so easy to manipulate. However, the irrational is unpredictable. In the event of a backlash, one must roll with the punches for maximum advantage. Failure does not exist, rather degrees of success. One must never take the opposition personally, lest they gain power by it. Besides, the opposition is necessary, else where could conflict be manufactured? Hence, the curved spectra...

32. On Conditioning

Values and biases may be conditioned over time. The opportunist must be patient. Unless some crisis occurs, most propaganda campaigns, which seek to condition, must be conducted slowly, lest a backlash occur. Cultural inertia ensures greater resistance to faster change. Hence, the entire notion of time must be conditioned for acceptance of ever faster rates. A second is still a second. Hyper-stimulation causes time to move slowly. Next year is forever. The target population is conditioned away from older, less efficient habits. The replacement is an instilled unease with standing still. The target individual is like a mink in a cage, running nowhere and anywhere as long as it is not motionless. Dropping from exhaustion, it never occurs that life could be any other way. Yet minks are not men, so the treadmill must appear as a choice. Willing tools are best. Resentment is minimized. Of course, restlessness is another matter, and should be considered a by-product. Those foolish enough to ignore its existence deserve the consequences. The opposition may always exploit and channel discontent for maximum advantage. The illusion of stability must be maintained in all instances. The population must be kept passive but never inactive. In addition, those responsible for maintaining order must be conditioned to believe their function essential and necessary. The police must present a front capable of absorbing any discontent. Else backlash will be directed toward underlying causes. Non-issues are efficient means...

33. On Academics and Intellectuals

On the surface, academicians and intellectuals represent a wild card. Less stable regimes always suppress or repress the thinking classes. More secure states employ less intrusive methods to negate their potential power. Grant money is the primary tool. Competition for funds will necessarily create rivalries based on minutia. The intelligencia effectively divides and conquers itself as a result. In addition, grant money narrows fields of study by promoting specialization. The specialist lacks skill and experience in dealing with the broad issues impacting culture and society. Rather, focus is directed toward irrelevancies at best. The intelligencia is impotent and best ignored by both opportunists and serious opponents to the present social order.

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