Sunday, November 14, 2004

Maximum Advantage: Inevitable Deductions 5-8

5. On Services
Very rarely directly proportional to actual worth or cost, the economic exchange of consumer goods is a complicated matter. Services are even more difficult to quantify and establish value. Factors include matters concerning willingness to pay, perceived difficulty, exploitation, etc. While the skilled trades have some idea concerning their economic worth, the service economy is another matter. Organized labor does not play as large a role. The United Parcel strike was a major inconvenience, but packages were still delivered by competitors. On the other hand, at Boeing, a machinist strike will shut down production and cost millions in the resulting total work stoppage. The power structure prefers docility. The service economy empowers few. Service wages are low, yet jobs are plentiful enough that the labor force will move on rather than fight it out. Why bother? Of course, a pervasive discontent with living standards may be engendered, but will not be played out in the sphere of traditional labor relations. The standards are set by the employer with little employee input. Most service workers are not attached or emotionally invested. By reducing the power and potential of organized labor, a semblance of a passive public is created. One might maintain the bill for services rendered has not come due...

6. On Intellectual Product
As is the case with art and music, an intellectual product or endeavor enters the market sector through commodification. Once sold, the product or message is owned. However, current fashion is soon replaced and memory fades. Except for the rare instances where the intellectual product becomes a component of culture, a turnover is necessary to support the publishing industry. The end result is a succession of dull mindless crap with an occasional rare gem. One might be tempted to questions whether the predominance of lowest-common denominator material is harmful by lowering the bar compared to prior ages. Widespread dissemination necessitates a lower level of sophistication. The simplistic is understandable by the greatest number. Reflective contemplation is not necessary to get the point. Fashionable appeal is not meaning nor significance. The product is simply re-hashed for simple minds. Some feed upon commodity. These vicarious sorts desire the mental stimulation but lack ability. The public education system is little more than daycare. Those skills are reserved for the elite. A stupid population is easiest to pacify, if not control, through diversion. Questions mean nothing unless and until the appropriate question is asked. A critical, analytical eye sees much where others see little. No status quo could exist if the masses developed sight. Projected shadows would cease to appear so menacing. An opportunist depends upon blindness. General knowledge and the ability to apply it are not valued. Important bridges remain unappreciated. True intellectuals have started revolutions and felt their own strength. What passes for such these days are mindless parrots and more easily ignored. Occasionally, one will hear these idiots cry forth in despair that nobody is really listening or understands. Reason is unfathomable. Perhaps the fault lies with the communicator...

7. On Patterns
Mathematical proofs are either true or false. The determination involves accuracy, consistency, logic and adherence to a particular system. Scientific proofs are somewhat different. A scientific theory must be verified by experimentation and insured against biases. Often mathematics provides a blueprint or, at least, a pointer toward further scientific development. Simplistic or special cases are utilized to describe more complicated (and common) phenomenon. Often scale dictates the laws and methods called upon for descriptive purposes. Patterns exist to be noticed and reduced. The scientific mindset applies learned techniques for the investigation of the natural world which must evolve over time to keep up with developments. Unfortunately, the scientific method becomes misapplied by assuming the irrational is inherently rational. In providing a fertile and rational field for further propaganda, the opportunist deliberately promotes and exploits mysticism toward science. Spoken in the same tongue, pseudo-scientific rationale becomes another moral authority for the masses. Those resistant are ignorant. All revolutions seem to amount to little. Destiny sees nothing. The crystal ball of Marxism has been shattered and the faith of many who question capitalism with it. The Liberal Democratic Market Capitalist system was superior. It reacts. Beyond rhetoric, the future is not a real consideration. The left has been left demoralized and without direction. Their prestige was tied with the fate of repressive totalitarian systems. Market capitalism and democratic corruption is acceptable by comparison. Nobody stands in line for two hours for cheap toilet paper. Nor has anyone to worry about having the door kicked in for an off-hand political comment. In the United States blatant repression is unnecessary. The population is easily distracted by the glitter of the spectacle and unlikely to cause any real problems. Attention spans have been conditioned. The left has failed to correctly analyze social and cultural patterns and paid the price. Certain basic principles have been falsely negated by association. The world has moved onward to the realms of globalism. Concerned only with the bottom line, the "new world order" is not really political in the sense of right and left. Perhaps the apolitical is a preferable alternative. The opportunist must espouse collapse. The post-left (and right) must challenge the entire rationale behind higher authority. The opportunist must ensure that never happens...

8. On Introversion
How many children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder are really just withdrawn introverts? The opportunist will always find those lacking insight and depth far more moldable. Drugged stupid, the intellect has little hope of flowering. Some will strike back. Most will never realize it can all be done without pulling a trigger. The vast majority display less maladaptive behavior in the conformity of the herd. Many necessary qualities for true advancement will be nullified. Progress is a masquerade. Depth must be avoided whenever possible. It will not take.

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