Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Maximum Advantage: Inevitable Deductions 100-105

100. On the Nature of Propagation and Negation of Power:
An Argument might be advanced concerning a correlation between many social ills and the repressed killing instinct of the human animal. Most never even kill their own meat. Meat is primal. Meat is both sign and symbol of prosperity. The clever might exploit the readily available supply, thus bolstering claims of economic strength. The absence of meat might even cause the population to revolt. The Soviet Union may have expired by discontent over shortages. Meat would not prove least. On the other hand, an over-abundance may be regarded as a sign of decadence. Consumers do not generally appreciate the consequence, significance and natural beauty of the food chain. Reactionary vegetarian is an un-natural response to this anti-natural situation. Meat is not the problem, rather its easy availability to a sedentary populace. Vegan anti-meat propaganda is almost nihilistic. These people have turned their backs on nature. Few could support their diet without the benefits of industrial agriculture and transportation networks. The decision against eating meat is appropriate for dietary concerns, or among those who can kill. Our divorce from nature has left this society complacent. The machine provides -- halting it would mean the death of most. Re-adaption is simple, especially with well made survival equipment. Every person should experience the wilderness in all its glory. A few serious camping expeditions could offset a century of conditioning. The alternative might someday prove a self-imposed death sentence. One need not fall prey to circumstances. Simply do not accept the present as permanent. Most real advances occur for those not static. Stagnation is a chosen reality. Stopping short is a comfortable cheat -- security is fleeting. In theory, social mechanisms can force change, but fundamental notions are more resistant. Perception may be manipulated and modified by aforementioned propaganda techniques. The herd desires the familiar, while cosmetic change has been packaged beyond its reality. Real change could be downplayed using reverse mechanisms. In a society where image rules, the power belongs to those controlling perception. Equality and freedom are examples. Their antithesis is often used as a false comparison. Fear has been capitalized for purposes of division, and conquest. The herd mentality certainly facilitates the ease (note again the complete lack of ethics in a moral society). Lies are easily swallowed, but not the individual. Even as entertainment would have us believe the opposite, individual initiative beyond the economic is discouraged. The nation and herd must be sacrificed for self and species. The sustaining myths and lies, such as progress, exist only for those choosing to believe. None exist without reason. The social order supports these values, but may be negated at the source. The big lie is different than the sum of its parts. No real secrets have been divulged here. Imposed perception may evaporate like mist under a hot desert sun. Their exposure blunt or negates their effects. Those still clinging deserve their fate as mutton. A choice has been made to live within lies. Ethical constraints are moot: give them the fate over which they crave. Food is food. One must realize the danger and utility represented by those insistent on remaining fodder. These sort drag anything greater down. Their interests may be negated by a simple act of will. Identical conclusions are valid when no bound by fear. Respect will follow, making all battles less bloody. Violent struggle will never end in a species of carnivores, but can be minimized. The concept of nations is drenched in blood, and deserves toppling. Extinction is the only destination on that dead end road. Only a fool believes in divine inspiration. Drive must come from within. Rejecting state and leaving the herd offers life. One may walk through walls, even while appearing to respect those boundaries imposed by force. Tearing them down will only result in incarceration or execution. Rebellion needs a revaluation. Those days are over. Many obstacles cease their importance by refusing to acknowledge their existence. Power may be revoked more sublimely in the information age. Armed struggle is unnecessary and unneeded. Troops in the streets are bad for business. One must accept the passing of rebellion, or be stomped into dirt. Rebels are been broken and made tools, or left rotting. Futile gestures are no substitute for freedom. Existence is possible beyond fear. Many chains will simply disappear, leaving only skeletal remains. These may be toppled into a pile of bones. The real battles are now fought on the edge of perception for the mind. Vulnerability may exist under closer inspections. Altering mass perception could even bring around a mitigated collapse. The power elite does not even control its own machine or even the direction. Technique has superseded control. Many fabricated illusions would portray otherwise. Stop marching in line. The machine is unprepared to deal with the inherently inefficient. Let it finally know fear. A new machine might arise from the ashes of the old, but that will give some purpose for another fight. Authority warrants constant challenges, even after it breaks. The best approach is negation. Turn outward by turning inward.

101. On Cognition and Economics:
Cognition concerns the perception of the internal and external world. Accordingly, depression is regarded largely a matter of (falsely) negative perception. Hence, overcoming its effects are accomplished by replacing negative with positive perceptions and notions. Illogical inconsistencies wither in the light of reason. Obstacles are challenges, rather than overwhelming impossibilities. This view can be helpful. However, cognition has been exploited by others than clinical psychologists, namely propagandists and economists. By comparison, propaganda actions are almost esoteric compared with economic applications. The reality concerning money cannot be ignored. Worldwide class struggle has been over the base premise of haves v. have nots, where currency defines the situation. The United States, despite the racial masquerade, is no exception. Economics are always the heart of these conflicts. Cheap labor has always been desired by ruling capital. Albeit guided, the lower echelons fight over the pecking order for the scraps tossed from above. Once brute measures, including slavery and indentured servitude, were deemed socially unacceptable throughout the industrialized world, wages became the means for controlling labor. Early trade unions were formed to deal with capital on behalf of the workers, which essentially legitimized the wage system. In the United States, the struggle eased somewhat with the outbreak of World War II. Available jobs exceeded supply. Unions agreed to forego strikes. The result has been a steady decline in the power of unions after the war, and continues to the present. This could only be accomplished by high levels of economic prosperity. The price was debt. War can prove an economic bounty, but a cold war leaves a huge surplus in weapons. These products were built never to be used, and cannot be sold. Once their justification ceased, the weapons industry was forced to downsize. The effects are far reaching. The lower-paid service economy will not absorb the difference. Hence, more debt is required to maintain stability. Credit has become the rule, rather than the exception, which only prolongs the situation. Meanwhile, the wealthy continue to grow richer, while the rest stagnate. This short-sighted policy could eventually prove disastrous. Consumerist culture is regarded eternal, but the bill will someday come due. Considering interest, the final price will be high, and may collapse the status quo. An economic highwire act will be necessary to prolong timing, but eventually entropy will reign. Static solutions will ensure a slow downward spiral into the murk of defunct bastard-capitalism. Once the specter of nuclear war was most menacing. Now economic chaos and environmental degradation have taken its place. The quick death has been replaced by the slow. The solutions required must move beyond the cogitative.
World population levels are rising at an alarming rate which threatens ecologic devastation. Unfortunately, outdated religious moral decrees ensure the situation will not change except for developed countries[2] and China. The one child policy approach may prove a costly victory, like most attempts at artificially regulating human behavior. Due to a traditionally patriarchal culture, Chinese value male children over female, which are aborted and even killed in the present scheme. The proportions will have deep social implications in another generation. The resultant unrest generated will occur on a scale unseen. Ultra-rational solutions are not respected by nature, or often culture.
Consumptive patterns and expectations will require reductions throughout the economic social spectrums. More mouths will require less for everyone. Future generations are already beginning to feel the bite, and should not expect the same levels enjoyed by their elders. The only mitigation attempted has been through decadent entertainment, which produces nothing worthwhile, or half-assed environmental measures. Recycling only encourages the same consumptive patterns including those products which cannot be reused indefinitely. Hard choices are avoided wherever possible. Generally, the only benefit being people merely feel better about their own parasitic status. A slender leach is still a leach. Illusion has become life. Paper products deteriorate. Metal corrodes. Civilizations fall. Diversions will not change anything, only drag out the consequences. Perhaps, the wheels of progress need derailing...
Society requires massive restructuring, towards more communalism and less unity. The Israeli Kibbutz provides an excellent example for blunting population pressure by eliminating redundant production. Trade is even stimulated by each group producing different complimentary necessities, raw materials and other goods. Group efforts can do quite well economically, without every separate household employing the exact same means. Food waste may be reduced, and the remainder composted for the communal farm. Communication systems have made isolation more practicable. This trend needs to be overcome, lest we suffocate under our own wastes. The anti-natural will not be respected by nature.
Global transportation networks need better engineering to reduce energy dependance and pollution. Increased internal combustion engine efficiency is only a step. Driving can only be discouraged by practical alternatives. Passenger rail usage has almost disappeared in the western United States. The automobile culture has become a major social subgroup. Cars suck away all life. Alternative schemes require serious implementation, not just feel good measures. Cleaner energy sources can replace fossil fuels, but big money would probably see such plans scraped. However, the 1992 Energy Policy Act (EPACT) does provide a 1.5 cent per kilowatt-hour generated subsidy for wind generated utilities, making the latest technology cost competitive. This shows some progress, but requires expansion. The bottom line could no longer resist the pressure. Oil interests will prove far more difficult, but must be superseded. Electric cars need to be built with the same power output. Technological innovation will prove beneficial for someone. The myth of progress is not all bad. The time frame will determine success.
Essentially the changes required for future survival will need to occur with a speed and scope hitherto unseen. The resistance will be basic social inertia on the part of those losing most. Propagandists will attempt to further maintain the static-state demanded by the elite. Information campaigns fail due to misplaced faith regarding reason. Most pay more attention to glitter, than doom-sayers who piss and moan. Hence, a band-aide attempts to heal a gaping chest wound. The underdog is denigrated, therefore the same tools of propaganda must be utilized to ensure respect by creating the cognitive perception of equal strength. The establishment interests will be forced to tread lightly, lest they discredit their own methods. Figures may be manipulated to say anything. Truth means nothing in this arena. The rules have been established and may not be bucked by any opposition. Propaganda is too entrenched. Economics is too accepted. People will only listen to those things agreeable with prior conditioning. The information age is simply a flood of meaningless data, including so-called facts. Manipulate, exploit or die are the only alternatives. Ideals mean nothing, except death when applied. One must walk the path of the mainstream to destroy or divert its course. Cognition of one sort needs replacement with that of another, which affirms life. The realization is a matter of perception. The rational may always be struck down with the irrational. Negation may be negated with negation; nothing must be fought with nothing.

[2] Whose population levels generally increase due to high immigration levels from the developing world.

102. Concerning the religious right:
"One should not go to church who wants to breath pure air."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
The opposition periodically issues warnings concerning the perceived rise of religious right influence over society. Calls have been heard to combat the grass roots campaign aimed at dominating public policy, especially at the school board level. A nausea felt regarding outdated morality is understandable. However, conventional opposition usually draws more attention than could otherwise be managed by a coalition of church groups. In addition, the opposition also has an agenda of its own, often holding the same fascist tendencies in a different guise. Both camps are equally repulsive. In warfare, a battle may be analogous to chess, but this struggle against all forms of oppression will be fought in a less tangible manner. The information-based culture effectively excludes anything more radical than the democratic party (which should have died in 1968). These camps will be cast as participants and even defenders of the American value system (whatever that means). These sort gain much power from perceived support. Removing or dulling that perception can effectively negate much built upon fear, and distortions. Power and influence rely upon acceptance -- pro or con. Ignoring the agenda of the religious right may prove more suitable than supporting an opposite, possibly worse cause. Once robbed of rating potentials, the leaders will slither off to greener pastures worth ignoring. This discussion will present a strategy towards those ends, including a partial proof of its effectiveness. Minimal effort need be expended by an indirect approach. Both the religious right and opportunistic counter-movements may both be dealt the same. A wise utilization of available resources is preferable to mass squandering which only prove to strengthen their targets. The best opposition may be none at all.
The religious right is primarily concerned with promoting a relatively narrow Judeo-Christian morality. These people are simply responding to a decaying social structure by attempting its idealistic reversal. The leaders are conscious of their declining importance and esteem. Their followers' insipid faith has blinded their vision, allowing easy political exploitation. Their program seems aimed primarily towards suppression and repressing individual rights and liberties, acceptable according to the standards of their herd mentality. This reactionary backlash against decadence is understandable, but unwittingly creates more. Anything disliked by these sort is viewed favorably. Therefore, its appearance and strength is proportional to its actual undermining, and eventual demise. The strong and healthy would feel no need for such reactions. The religious right only invites ridicule directed towards its stance. Corrupt and perverse figureheads further hurt the movement by their inability to practice what they preach. Many possible sympathizers are simply turned off. Censorship brings the material to attention, thereby further weakening their position. Controversy sells. The religious right has embraced capitalism, and will not succeed by its mechanisms. Morality undermines itself. The opposition only makes the religious right stronger, unlike its own action, by providing an anti-node to rally against. Aggressive stances can always be manipulated and exploited for maximum advantage. Rather, simply ignore the hype and concentrate on the localized remainder. Power is perception. Controversy fuels, whereas its disappearance may provide partial negation. Corporate media must still make a profit, thus directing free publicity elsewhere. An ephemeral public attention span will sometimes work to advantage in this manner.
The power base claimed by the religious right is also largely a matter of media perception. Pro-religious right elected officials will only move when confident of public support i.e. the perceived proportion. The true power exists with monied interests (also maintained by perception). Hitler was backed by business interests. The religious right is just another decadent safety-valve. Multi-national power would not allow their free reign. It would be bad for business. The political spectacle does not effect many demands placed by efficiency. The exceptions prove the general. The religious right has been duped. Morality means nothing compared to profits. The religious right will fall like a house of cards at the hands of big business. Their tolerance is proportional to the movement's irrelevance. Once advertising dollars dry up for religious programming, the FCC will sell the airspace to the highest bidder. Meanwhile, change the dial. The remainder will be just another weak dissident faction. This strategy might prove worthwhile against others as well.
In conclusion, the religious right can be stopped. The marketplace requires the coin of controversy, and will look elsewhere for info-tainment. The real issue are worth concentrating effort towards, rather than those of ignorant rabble. Fanaticism is difficult to sustain. Its fate is extinction. Let them die quietly.

103. Could the human tendency toward war be attributable, not to our carnivorous nature, but rather the herbivorous? Popular sentiment might espouse the opposite, but such notions are often incorrect, incomplete or even delusional. Aggressive herd animals will hold optimal ground, whereas social carnivores will move with the game supply. Agriculture is the civilized cultivation of the herbivorous instinct; hence territory and the necessity of conflict over resources, like water and soil. The human animal may have removed itself dangerously from its roots as hunter-gatherers. Our cultural evolution has possibly halted our physical. Our future descendants may become degenerate from ignoring the natural. The human species is forgetting the skills for living. Outer space is a fantasy. Baring visitation of extraterrestrials -- a new face of the old savior lie -- faster-than-light travel is impossible and unknowable according to fundamental physical laws. One would need to travel backwards in time to satisfy causal relations. Slow speed space exploration and colonization is more realistic, but the time frame would be thousands of years for travel beyond the solar system. The earth would still be necessary for base support. That far future might never arrive in time -- another decadent risk. Fiction is not reality. The fault lies not in dreams or dreamers, but culturally pervasive notions which skew perspective. Widespread acceptance has been conditioned and cultivated for a reason. Entertainment has other purposes, besides docile preoccupation. Even the elite are not immune, simply better educated and informed. The cycle continues for the supposed good of the herd, but not even the herd benefits over the long term. Shortsightedness can be corrected. Morality is a prime example, being absolute behavior codification at the expense of everything else. Morality even undermines those drives seeking the betterment of self. Ethics are indeed a sad joke. The herd mentality smooths the mean, hence prevailing over starvation and disease. Technology is a development of human evolution. Its emphasis has become disproportionate, and hence anti-natural. Humanity needs to move beyond and over. The herd has now outlived its usefulness. The choice is its maintenance or stagnation and eventual death. Cultural inertia may only be overcome by hard work on real problems. Fiction represents a pleasant diversion, not life. The end reward may prove incalculable. A clear choice must be made to move beyond and over. The ashes and ruins of the old may still hold some promise, but the dead weight will be eliminated by its inability to cope. So be it. The remainder will reap the spoils. The machine is doomed. The individual must live to piss on the graves of the state and herd. One need do precisely nothing to see those ends. Ideologies will wither unto meaning nothing. Power will rest in the hands of those who have taken it for the self. Dominating others won't even be worth the trouble. Economics will be smashed to dust. Their symbolism will not stand against nature. Entropy is the only true savior. The lies of neither the government, nor the population will be believed. Their empty shells will collapse inward. Challenges will arise requiring other than simply reacting like a puppet with no strings. This decadent society deserves to die by the logic of its own devices. The time has come for something else. Tools exist for its direction or devastation. The irony is both amusing and sad. The human race deserves better.

104. On Slogan-Throwers and Light-Weight Intellectuals
The so-called underground offers little in the way of substantive change or ideas by continuing to parrot the platitudes of the 1960s and beliefs of the dead. All it amounts to is lamenting those things which never were nor will ever be. The constant blabber is nothing more than annoying whines from the spoiled children of the elite. It fools nobody, and results in closed minds toward even anything vaguely associated. The working class does not respect their chatter because nothing said warrants it. In this scene, where entire philosophies may be expressed exactly on a bumper sticker, the biggest mouths are given the most status. These types realize something is wrong, but have not the ability to fathom deeper. They attribute greed as a motivator for corporate behavior to a society which has passed well beyond such things. They read, but do not think. They believe fashion means something but can never articulate it. Except for stopping bullets, this kind is worthless. However, it does not mean certain ideas advocated, in spite of the messenger, are wrong. Rather their final solutions are useless and best ignored. Their own label, progressive, being based on a cultural myth, proves the point. The opposition can effect a fundamental transformation of society and culture, but not in the manner advocated by stupid slogan-throwers and idiot intellectuals. Their rationales mean nothing. Perhaps the best guide is the opposite of anything these parasites champion, especially peace...

105. Beyond Maximum Advantage:
Maximum Advantage may be superceded. Cultural advancement need not halt at such baseness. A higher branch may be found, which stresses those things which really matter, namely the survival of the human species. Anyone believing humans will kill the Earth before its natural defenses kill us is a fool. If one actually believes in fighting the current system before it dooms us all, it will become necessary to fight fire with fire. Passive Civil Disobedience is not respected in a moral scheme which only respects direct results. The mediocrity which pervades this entire society will not devise any creative and radical solutions to the problems facing the world in the 21st Century. It will die before it adapts. A time is coming where violent action will be necessary to halt the downward spiral into extinction. Mitigation may avert civil war. The response must utilize the tools and tactics afforded by exploitation for Maximum Advantage in all things. Nothing else will suffice. So be it. The opportunist and opponent had best take heed and understand their doom is the same.

1995 - January 1, 2001

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