Monday, November 08, 2004

Concerning Character and Archetypal Behavior Patterns (Part 3)

5. The Modern Intellectual Archetype:
Although certainly a higher order of rank than those cases discussed above, the establishment produced Modern Intellectual Archetype still rarely exceeds the mediocre. The occasional insight is built upon unto exhaustion. Therefore, the following rhetoric is best ignored. As a result, the Modern Intellectual generally finds no public. The cliche dead horse is beaten excessively, ground into meat, consumed and defecated. This archetype is a primary victim of the establishment trend toward over-specialization. Rather than knowing the time to quit, the Modern Intellectual Archetype has been reinforced by stimuli and university employment. Past accomplishments are the currency upon which the Modern Intellectual subject banks, hence living vicariously on his own product rather than advancing beyond. Their ego would deflate without continual support and affirmation. Although not always affected, the Modern Intellectual Archetype is the most propagandized as a by-product of exposure necessary for presenting their product. The vector is transmitted by handling the infected media, and no vaccine will prevent it. The shear level of contact makes susceptibility inevitable. The Modern Intellectual Archetype will deny it. Although their verbal world does have a few cracks which afford some light, engrossed by self-importance, the Modern Intellectual Archetype will fail to even notice their enclosure. Their egos are a prime obstacle against accomplishing much anytime soon. The Modern Intellectual Archetype is a pale shadow. The once-threatening is now a matter for sad laughter. Preconceptions and arrogance have withered their senses. This elite class will pretty much swallow anything deep, regardless of content. Only the disagreeable is questioned. At least, the Modern American Idiot knows its own individual inferiority. The Modern Intellectual runs toward the opposite extreme. The Modern Intellectual absorbingly calls it his own through rationalization or objects through backlash mechanisms. The Modern Intellectual personally identifies with causes and issues outside their actual experience. Although far better substantiated than the inferior Idiot Intellectual, the Modern Intellectual must always have an opinion. Context is everything, but understanding suffers.
Perhaps the Modern Intellectual Archetype understands its own stupidity the least by failing to embrace it. The sublime creates; the Modern Intellectual absorbs like a sponge; bottom-feeding Idiots scoop the crumbs and devour the remains. The Modern Intellectual Archetype is hampered by its own idealism which simplifies the world through making it difficult. Their personalities intertwine with the abstract concepts inherent in unreal worlds. Discarding the ideals would render these little emperors naked. Otherwise, the Modern Intellectual Archetype must better learn to be small and satisfied with this lot. Unfortunately, their egos will not be easily circumvented, rendering the intelligencia impotent. The anti-natural will never produce life, because it denies or becomes completely blind to natural requirement. The best Modern Intellectual Archetype subjects can hope to achieve are moral victories which mean nothing. Their ideologies are inept. The Modern Intellectual has no choice, except stagnation or ceasing to be.
The Modern Intellectual is a lesser symptom of decay than their Idiot kin, but their failures are more tragic because some truly inherent qualities exist. Despite pretenses, all their intellectualism points toward the same direction. The subject deliberately latches onto an archetypal identity by accepting constraints. This archetypes is an anti-natural by-product of a decadent environment for almost all believe strongly in the myths of progress and freedom.

6. The Backlash Archetype:
A generalized condition, this archetype may apply to many different personality types. Basically, the binding characteristic is a rejection of the status quo and any of its manifestations and representations. Alienated from the greater culture and society, many feel themselves prisoners. Having found little or nothing in their realities to sustain them, some move toward decadent or nihilistic extremes. Others fight. The Backlash Archetype is not just a pose. Simmering resentment is often unarticulated. External manifestations vary from artistic expression to the destructive. Usually, when internalized, the backlash sentiments produce depressive effects. The Backlash Archetype is identification with the mentality of rejection. Revenge is the motivator.

7. The Fanatic Archetype:
The Fanatic Archetype is highly impressionable, perhaps borderline-pathological, possibly paranoid, but still functional. The Fanatic Archetype has seized upon a religious, political cause or notion with excessive and obsessive zeal. Unless driven by vengeance, the Fanatic Archetype has a higher calling and often suffers from some inadequacy that is better ignored. The Fanatic Archetype lacks doubt. Their hatred is virtuous. Heretics are always more detested over simple non-believers. At best, the Fanatic Archetype is myopic to reality, and at worst blinded by their own light. This archetype is best avoided. The Fanatic is dangerous.

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