The development of individuality has historically been defined by societal forces and trends (see previous post for diagram). In order to develop a sound and independent frame set through which to pursue cultural transcendence, we require the stamina and insight made available through social criticism. As argued at the beginning of this introduction, our personal and collective Shadow have permitted the exploitation of our self-constructed and self-perceived vulnerabilities. SRL discusses not only how we are manipulated as individuals, but discusses specific societal myths that are utilized for this purpose[13].
With the anti-natural perpetuation of these false beliefs we loose the opportunity to extricate ourselves from this vicious circle, to be lost in a dreary haze of distorted meaning and frustrated visions. Our society’s “stage of proximal growth” has been afforded after most major wars, while those afforded by peace are rarely pursued. The cleansing of our anti-natural instincts and false beliefs is necessary for the genuine individuation of the individual as well as the group. It of course needs to be recognized that to cleanse oneself from the outside in, or from the inside out, is to be regarded as two distinctively separate processes. Cultural and historical movements produce an externally determined expression of the individuation process within a unified, safe, and political context. It is supervised, controlled, defined, as well as determined. As a result the individuation process in this context does not produce genuine equality, self-expression, or question the existing balance of power. When we cleanse ourselves starting from within--the process is selectively and individually determined. It is a private matter for each of us as human beings to explore our identity without the unnecessary influence of the anti-natural archetypes.
[13] The author's most important analysis concerns the myth of "progress". Other examples include "Productivity" in: Chomsky, Noam. Et. Al. The Cold War and the University. NY: The New Press, 1997; or "Meritocracy" and "Seniority" in: Albott, Andrew. The System of Professions: An Essay on the Division of Expert Labor. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988.
What is Maximum Advantage?
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Introduction to Maximum Advantage Collection by Travis B. Part 10

Developing Individuality: The Balance of Complimentary Forces.
This archetypal, artificial, instinct for self-preservation is the dynamic expression of what SRL calls the "anti-natural". Within this concept SRL explains that an artificial reality is defined as well as perpetuated within the minds of its constituents. Consider the diagram included on the previous page. Within this admittedly simplistic representation lays the core problem. The transmittal of culture, which includes our current as well as historical beliefs, values, and convictions, is manipulated and exploited by the archetypal forces that influence it: this process is what SRL has named "Maximum Advantage". The path of communication[10] (of which this diagram represents albeit simplistically) is determined by the "verbal worlds" as well as the "herd" mentality that responds to it. The artificial archetypal figure- head's self actuated desire for preservation rivals its constituency's needs.
The transmittal of information, in the level of abstract formalism evident in this era, has contributed to the interdependency of the populace on the existing system. The self-preservation instincts of the father and mother archetypes demand the active and willful collaboration of its constituents. This collaboration, itself described as an "anti-natural" instinct by SRL, is facilitated by artificially constructed imagery and symbols. These artificial images and symbols, themselves a representation of the global village in which we are a member, are constructed and defined by the father and mother archetypal figureheads. As one will recognize, this is an exclusively self-serving system, and as SRL argues in his book, bends its constituency's will to the maintenance and preservation of an anti-natural[11] culture. The resulting rules and regulations determine not only the ideologies and goals pursued but also the constraints and demands that will be placed on our "freewill[12]. As the diagram representing the path of communication will show, the transmittal of culture as well as the meaning contained in its imagery and symbols is established within an unbalanced playing field. SRL offers several insights and conclusions regarding how this era can eventually transcend the existing power matrix.
[10] I would argue that communication cannot be quantified or reduced to such a simplistic linear state. This model is only intended to assist with the following argument.
[11] This concept of the "anti-natural", is an interesting concept developed by SRL. It is his contention that the anti-natural is an artificial state resulting from both propaganda and Pavlovian principles.
[12] SRL argues that these are static, and uniformly defined within a given context. Jung's collective unconscious is considered to contain historical as well as current mythological motifs. The difference between the static cultural myths that are promoted in society, and Jung's mythological motifs, is that the prior is essentially unchanging in definition, whereas the latter's meaning is to be defined by a fluid state that incorporates the immediate context and all that implies.
Monday, August 29, 2005
Introduction to Maximum Advantage Collection by Travis B. Part 9
As a dynamic, living, sentient life process that is based on the underlying principles of self- preservation, we are all predisposed to protect ourselves. Against fear, aggression, violence, or subjugation, we continue to strive towards our own self- preservation. A community operates on similar principles. Taking on the dynamic life-like characteristics of its constituents, a community as the operational mother archetype is solely created for the self-preservation of its members. As a guiding operational principle, this mother archetype governs as well as creates the rules and laws that make up our civilization. These rules and regulations allow thousands, if not millions of people to live together in relative harmony. As international relations expand, and the global village develops in response to each archetypal mothers devouring hunger for products, these overlapping communities require external regulating forces to govern their well being as well.
The father archetype is now born. Benefactor to the mother archetype's relative power, the father archetype influences collaboration and agreement amongst the other global mothers in an effort to maximize our (and their) probability for preservation. As the mothers became more interdependent on their benefactors, the father archetypal governments, it was soon realized that the self-preservation of the father archetype[9] was also essential for our well-being. Without our father, who would provide and protect us from neighboring communities? As a result, the birth of the father archetypal governments on which we have become so interdependent, have also developed a self-preservation instinct. In the end the self-preservation instinct is universal. Whether a dynamic, living, sentient life force, or an artificial archetypal protector, the will to life has transcended necessity as well as logic.
[9] The cathection with the father archetypal figure in this analysis argues for one's need for security, as well as the impoverished process of individuation.
The father archetype is now born. Benefactor to the mother archetype's relative power, the father archetype influences collaboration and agreement amongst the other global mothers in an effort to maximize our (and their) probability for preservation. As the mothers became more interdependent on their benefactors, the father archetypal governments, it was soon realized that the self-preservation of the father archetype[9] was also essential for our well-being. Without our father, who would provide and protect us from neighboring communities? As a result, the birth of the father archetypal governments on which we have become so interdependent, have also developed a self-preservation instinct. In the end the self-preservation instinct is universal. Whether a dynamic, living, sentient life force, or an artificial archetypal protector, the will to life has transcended necessity as well as logic.
[9] The cathection with the father archetypal figure in this analysis argues for one's need for security, as well as the impoverished process of individuation.
Sunday, August 28, 2005
Introduction to Maximum Advantage Collection by Travis B. Part 8

Linear V. Non-Linear Path of Communication.
"Technical morality" taps into the existing framesets of its constituents, us. Similar to our peers, it befriends and negotiates with us in an attempt to persuade its audience to become believers as well as members of its influence. SRL implicitly argues that this "technical morality" usurps and replaces our pre-existing beliefs and values. As this new artificial morality is digested, processed, and integrated into our current mindsets, it becomes more persuasive in directing and developing new modes of thought. We are thus its benefactors as well as its consumers. We eventually learn to contribute to this "technical morality's" development as well as participate in its rabid consumption. This process, which has taken on sentient properties in the respect that it is dynamically responsive to our personal as well as group thought processes, becomes a catalyzing agent and perpetuator of action. Integrated as a natural and biological component of ourselves, this "technical morality" becomes a social matrix not only of the existing cultural and societal structure existing outside of our physical selves, but a psychological matrix that exists and operates within us.
This new artificial morality serves those in power, in both political and corporate positions. It serves to integrate and provide us as a power-base resource for the politicians that want to sell their new self-serving policies to their constituents. It also serves the corporations by persuading us to believe that we need them, want to work for them under any circumstances, as well as consume their products. As a direct and observable representation of "technical morality's" dynamic process, we only have to look at our televisions. The news is contrived to give us sufficient information to keep us occupied while avoiding the real issues at hand[7] . Commercials are produced with the most valuable consumers in mind. Perpetually adjusted and rewritten for optimal efficiency, commercials are based on the operating principle that if the editors can access the viewing audiences internal belief systems in a raw and intrinsically personal way, they can sell us products we do not even need[8].
[7] This premise is essentially similar to arguments made in these texts: Herman, S. Edward and Noam Chomsky. Manufacturing of Consent: the Political Economy of the Mass Media. NY: Pantheon Books, 1988; and Glossner, Barry. The Culture of Fear: Why Americans are Afraid of the Wrong Things. NY: Basic Books, 1999.
[8] See the Frontline Commentary: The Merchants of Cool. Frontline. PBS. Washington. 2001.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Introduction to Maximum Advantage Collection by Travis B. Part 7
This brings us back to the discussion of morality. When the word morality is discussed I have argued that it usually carries with it religious connotations. American society is starting to understand that there is a difference between morality and spirituality, where one is religious and the other can be secular. SRL further proposes that morality can be further differentiated from itself in the sense that there can be both a religious as well as a “technical” morality. This “technical morality”, as SRL calls it, is superimposed upon the existing social structure, integrating and expanding upon the pre-existing social fabric. Dynamic and flexible like a biological or sentient being, this “technical morality” is responsive to the pre-existing social structure’s thoughts, beliefs, and values. Although the concept of a “technical morality” is to be elaborately explained in section 2, it is clear that it now, once introduced, becomes an ingrained and permanent part of our cultural and societal structure.
As a social matrix, “technical morality” integrates and contributes to the development of society’s personal, professional, and political framesets. These framesets, as operational schemas devised as heuristic devices to order and organize our lives, are an important part of how we define ourselves, and society. The caution that SRL implicitly communicates throughout this book is that the “technical morality” social matrix is artificial and contrived. It is man made, and more specifically, those in power have manufactured it, in an effort to maintain that power.
As a social matrix, “technical morality” integrates and contributes to the development of society’s personal, professional, and political framesets. These framesets, as operational schemas devised as heuristic devices to order and organize our lives, are an important part of how we define ourselves, and society. The caution that SRL implicitly communicates throughout this book is that the “technical morality” social matrix is artificial and contrived. It is man made, and more specifically, those in power have manufactured it, in an effort to maintain that power.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Introduction to Maximum Advantage Collection by Travis B. Part 6
I remember when I was sponsoring a 6-year-old boy in Ecuador, named Manuel. Every month for 5 years I mailed a check to subsidize his family’s monthly expenses. Every year the organization mailed me a card informing me of the opportunity and date to send Manuel a personal Christmas card, birthday card, Easter card, etc. It was assumed that this opportunity would serve to maintain a personal connection with my sponsored child, as well as to give him something out of the ordinary that would validate him as a valued individual (as well as perpetuate the prosperity of Christianity in Ecuador). Each year the organization also mailed a letter personally written by Manuel, along with a standardized card from the organization inviting me to write to Manuel in response. In the organization’s standardized card it was requested that I do not tell Manuel of any of my new purchases. It was the organization’s belief that this would make Manuel jealous, and subsequently feel negatively and disappointed of his surroundings. It was apparently assumed by the organization, of which I fairly well have no reason to disagree, that Manuel has very little experience with the American culture. Clearly in any child’s life there is the experiential desire for fun and games. In the American child’s life this includes objects that only money can buy, something that Manuel’s family, earning an average of $20.00 per month can probably not provide.
With the introduction of these Christian charity groups into South America, the indigenous people were introduced to a metaphysical and symbolic language that was independent of their previous life experience. Before the introduction of Christianity these people presumably had little if any previous knowledge of its primary beliefs. After it was introduced by missionaries, as well as various charity organizations, this all changed. What this story provides is an example of “Relative Deprivation”. Within this social construct theory, it is generally believed that an individual or group that lacks a relative level of security, wealth, or power, etc., is usually unaware of this deficiency unless they have something by which to compare its current situation. Without the introduction of Christianity or the Christian charitable organization, these people were unaware of this branch of religion or the possibility to live differently than previous generations. This example of course is not intended to argue that the introduction of these American social constructs is inappropriate; it is merely used to establish the fact that people are usually unaware of what they have never experienced. As a result, people are unaware of what they are missing. This is not necessarily a bad thing.
With the introduction of these Christian charity groups into South America, the indigenous people were introduced to a metaphysical and symbolic language that was independent of their previous life experience. Before the introduction of Christianity these people presumably had little if any previous knowledge of its primary beliefs. After it was introduced by missionaries, as well as various charity organizations, this all changed. What this story provides is an example of “Relative Deprivation”. Within this social construct theory, it is generally believed that an individual or group that lacks a relative level of security, wealth, or power, etc., is usually unaware of this deficiency unless they have something by which to compare its current situation. Without the introduction of Christianity or the Christian charitable organization, these people were unaware of this branch of religion or the possibility to live differently than previous generations. This example of course is not intended to argue that the introduction of these American social constructs is inappropriate; it is merely used to establish the fact that people are usually unaware of what they have never experienced. As a result, people are unaware of what they are missing. This is not necessarily a bad thing.
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Introduction to Maximum Advantage Collection by Travis B. Part 5
This is where we come back to Vygotsky’s “stage of proximal growth”. In order to improve upon our current societal condition we not only require a thorough knowledge
of what has produced our current condition, but also a thorough understanding of what continues to perpetuate it; Ultimately, what constrains its growth. This knowledge is quintessential to transcend our current stage of cognitive and social development[6]. It is within this point that SRL argues it is our ‘morality’ that produced our current societal condition; a condition that SRL argues is ripe for exploitation- to the “Maximum Advantage“ of others.
SRL argues that the overriding rules that govern our will to action have been corrupted and tainted by the corporate and political powers that consequently feed society. The things upon which we are interdependent to survive. Similar to the ecological cycle that scientists have found to exist between plants, birds, mammals, and aquatic life, humans are dependent on one another as well as corporations for work, products, culture, and the subsequent support and nourishment of the community. Within this corporate-human cycle, exist the institutions that perpetuate and maintain our culture.
[6] Our cultural and societal growth is stated to be similar to our current stage of cognitive and social development. This is based on the premise that cognitive and society develop at a similar rate for the “herd”.
of what has produced our current condition, but also a thorough understanding of what continues to perpetuate it; Ultimately, what constrains its growth. This knowledge is quintessential to transcend our current stage of cognitive and social development[6]. It is within this point that SRL argues it is our ‘morality’ that produced our current societal condition; a condition that SRL argues is ripe for exploitation- to the “Maximum Advantage“ of others.
SRL argues that the overriding rules that govern our will to action have been corrupted and tainted by the corporate and political powers that consequently feed society. The things upon which we are interdependent to survive. Similar to the ecological cycle that scientists have found to exist between plants, birds, mammals, and aquatic life, humans are dependent on one another as well as corporations for work, products, culture, and the subsequent support and nourishment of the community. Within this corporate-human cycle, exist the institutions that perpetuate and maintain our culture.
[6] Our cultural and societal growth is stated to be similar to our current stage of cognitive and social development. This is based on the premise that cognitive and society develop at a similar rate for the “herd”.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Introduction to Maximum Advantage Collection by Travis B. Part 4
Most people, when they hear the world “moral” or “morality”, anticipate or reflect on its usual religious implications: to be good; to be righteous; to support others. Morality even in its vaguest of terms conveys the essence of goodwill. Even in the respect that goodwill carries the connotations of a relative definition, it is maintained within a philosophical and attitudinal frame of reference that continues to be correlated with humanity. Humanity as a subset of goodwill contains the implications of family and community, which subsequently rely on our instinctual drive to protect, nurture, and procreate. As a result morality, goodwill, and humanity can be argued to provide a frame of reference that intrinsically promotes self- preservation.
Although an admittedly indirect argument, morality can be argued to be a platform for our own individual as well as group preservation. This will to preservation is a main theme throughout this book, with a direct correlation with Jung’s shadow archetype. You may ask yourself, “Clearly you can not have a fine red wine with treif? It simply would not taste good!” I argue that you can. It may not taste good, but it must be experienced in order to develop any such distinction[5]. Similar to SRL’s correlation of the will to preservation with the cultural- shadow archetype, it may taste poor to the unsophisticated intellect, but is essential for us to properly process and digest our current cultural and societal condition- if we are ever to transcend it.
[5] This jest is similar to the following discussion of the concept, “relative deprivation”. Only the intellectually inexperienced take the given word for-granted. An argument consistently inferred in SRL’s book.
Although an admittedly indirect argument, morality can be argued to be a platform for our own individual as well as group preservation. This will to preservation is a main theme throughout this book, with a direct correlation with Jung’s shadow archetype. You may ask yourself, “Clearly you can not have a fine red wine with treif? It simply would not taste good!” I argue that you can. It may not taste good, but it must be experienced in order to develop any such distinction[5]. Similar to SRL’s correlation of the will to preservation with the cultural- shadow archetype, it may taste poor to the unsophisticated intellect, but is essential for us to properly process and digest our current cultural and societal condition- if we are ever to transcend it.
[5] This jest is similar to the following discussion of the concept, “relative deprivation”. Only the intellectually inexperienced take the given word for-granted. An argument consistently inferred in SRL’s book.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Introduction to Maximum Advantage Collection by Travis B. Part 3
We may have the genetic and heritable potential to acquire verbal and written language as a form of communication, but similar to all forms of knowledge it has to be learned. Consider algebra for example. In order to understand exponential functions or polynomials, it is usually considered necessary to acquire at least a fundamental understanding of the mathematical precursors to this subject. As a cognitive task, algebra requires the intellectual and conceptual foresight capable of understanding as well as interpreting this symbolic, mathematical language. The development of cognition, especially in its most fundamental forms, is intrinsically dependent on what Igor Vygotsky[2] describes in Language and Thought as “The Stage of Proximal Growth”. In this developmental theory, Vygotsky explains that the development of cognition is a fairly linear process. Vygotsky believed that each fundamental cognitive stage was merely the predecessor to its next, and that it is necessary to develop these in succession in order to properly comprehend the ‘object’ of study. Language is a symbolic system that contains a complex system of rules and laws governing its use. Words contribute meaning to our experience as well as help us develop meaning for the objects we use, and this skill requires the sequential[3] development of our cognitive and conceptual thinking skills. Although Vygotsky’s study of children revolved more around their cognitive, thus biological development, I believe that the concept of “the stage of proximal growth” can effectively be utilized to explain SRL’s conception of the developing cultural and moral identity.
The development of a moral identity is dependent on one’s surrounding culture. Without role modeling from an externalized source, the concept of morality merely exists within a vacuum. For sake of argument I add that the knowledge of religion is (usually) acquired through an external source; whether it is a peer or a proselytizer, it still requires an external “object” to impart this knowledge. It can be further be argued that this morality needs to be upheld and sustained in order to be reinforced. An individual moral system requires this continuity[4]. With the external “object” or individual introduced to impart this knowledge, the information is not only now made available but it has been transformed into a social construct. It is now a characteristic of the social environment, and in most instances can be considered to be a representative characteristic of its adhering constituents. The point is that now a cultural frame of reference is being defined, and this frame will now contain the small fragment of information imparted to you.
[2] Vygotsky, L.S. Thought and Language. Ed. Alex Kozulin. Cambridge Mass: MIT Press, 1986.
[3] (See Below) Sequential does not necessarily imply a rigid system.
[4] A conflicting moral set would negate the probability of its effective and complete integration. This continuity may be supplied by a multi-participant system. As a result it may appear chaotic to the outsider, but consistently maintain the exact rate of information discharge as the source.
The development of a moral identity is dependent on one’s surrounding culture. Without role modeling from an externalized source, the concept of morality merely exists within a vacuum. For sake of argument I add that the knowledge of religion is (usually) acquired through an external source; whether it is a peer or a proselytizer, it still requires an external “object” to impart this knowledge. It can be further be argued that this morality needs to be upheld and sustained in order to be reinforced. An individual moral system requires this continuity[4]. With the external “object” or individual introduced to impart this knowledge, the information is not only now made available but it has been transformed into a social construct. It is now a characteristic of the social environment, and in most instances can be considered to be a representative characteristic of its adhering constituents. The point is that now a cultural frame of reference is being defined, and this frame will now contain the small fragment of information imparted to you.
[2] Vygotsky, L.S. Thought and Language. Ed. Alex Kozulin. Cambridge Mass: MIT Press, 1986.
[3] (See Below) Sequential does not necessarily imply a rigid system.
[4] A conflicting moral set would negate the probability of its effective and complete integration. This continuity may be supplied by a multi-participant system. As a result it may appear chaotic to the outsider, but consistently maintain the exact rate of information discharge as the source.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Introduction to Maximum Advantage Collection by Travis B. Part 2
As a representation of the repressed components of an individual’s personality, the Shadow[1] archetype contains a litany of undesirable and unprocessed drives. These drives stem from the fragmented contents of one’s conscious life. As one experiences their culturally or self-perceived weaknesses, whether based on an objective and valid assessment, or the subjective inferential appraisal of one‘s potential, the resulting tension is determined by one’s ability to process or repress the experienced drive (or tension). Although there are clearly various unstated contingencies that affect this process, such as self esteem, sense of self-efficacy, actual competency, as well as external support (etc.), the result is the same: actively processing and integrating the given material or the active rejection or denial of the content with the subsequent repression.
The development of a personal identity requires nurturance and time. The baby’s cognitive development is in many instances directly correlated with their biological age. With the acquisition of more complex cognitive precepts the infant is progressively capable of grasping newer and more complex ideas. When a child is only several months old it does not understand that an object continues to exist even though it may not be present. As the child grows older they not only become more familiar with the principles of object constancy, in which the same object still remains even if not seen, they also acquire increasing knowledge of shape and size, texture, use, and meaning.
[1] I consider the use of SRL’s placement of the shadow archetype, as well as my use of the Father and Mother archetypes in subsequent pages, to represent fundamental social and institutional patterns. As macro-systems they of course are generalized. The image of the Jungian archetype is employed as a result of its sentient properties. This artificial sentience is the result of the people that influence its development. For further fascinating reading on the Shadow archetype see: Henderson, Joseph. Shadow and the Self: Selected Papers in Analytical Psychology. Illinois: Chiron Publishing,1990.
The development of a personal identity requires nurturance and time. The baby’s cognitive development is in many instances directly correlated with their biological age. With the acquisition of more complex cognitive precepts the infant is progressively capable of grasping newer and more complex ideas. When a child is only several months old it does not understand that an object continues to exist even though it may not be present. As the child grows older they not only become more familiar with the principles of object constancy, in which the same object still remains even if not seen, they also acquire increasing knowledge of shape and size, texture, use, and meaning.
[1] I consider the use of SRL’s placement of the shadow archetype, as well as my use of the Father and Mother archetypes in subsequent pages, to represent fundamental social and institutional patterns. As macro-systems they of course are generalized. The image of the Jungian archetype is employed as a result of its sentient properties. This artificial sentience is the result of the people that influence its development. For further fascinating reading on the Shadow archetype see: Henderson, Joseph. Shadow and the Self: Selected Papers in Analytical Psychology. Illinois: Chiron Publishing,1990.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Introduction to Maximum Advantage Collection by Travis B. Part 1
"..all...attempts have proved singularly ineffective, and will do so long as we try to convince ourselves and the world that it is only they (i.e., our opponents) who are wrong. It would be much more to the point for us to make a serious attempt to recognize our shadow and its nefarious doings. . If we could see our shadow (the dark side of our nature), we should be immune to any moral and mental infection and insinuation. As matters now stand, we lay ourselves open to every infection, because we are really doing practically the same thing as they. Only we have the additional disadvantage that we neither see nor want to understand what we ourselves are doing, under the cover of good manners."
(Carl Jung in Man and his Symbols, p. 73)
Carl Jung's above explanation of the Shadow archetype proposes his belief that man's search for meaning is directly inhibited by his own natural, and repressed conflicts. These conflicts have an influential and in many instances irrepressible influence on our conscious thought and action. Our ability to overcome our own individual or cultural shadow requires not only the knowledge of our culturally and self- perceived weaknesses, but the integration of these characteristics into our conscious and operational schemas. What this extract does not properly convey is Jung's conception of the archetype as the symbolic and historical manifestation of our subconscious contents. Jung believed that through dreams these symbols, or archetypes, present themselves as a representational mental image of our repressed thoughts, feelings, memories, heritage, and beliefs. With the appearance of the shadow, as well as other archetypes, Jung believed that he was then able to interpret the meaning of his client's dream and consequently assist them in processing their repressed conflicts.
The crux of SRL's argument, from the first section of his book, rests on the recognition and acknowledgment of Jung's shadow archetype as an influence behind our culture's development. SRL does not propose that culture is represented within the archetypal imagery of the collective unconscious', but instead utilizes the translational platform of the archetype to convey certain social movements that have been overtly observed within the realm of historical development. As an expression of these currents, our culture's archetypal shadow is, according to SRL, a direct expression of the "Herd" (or group) mentality that governs society's thought, beliefs, and actions.
(Carl Jung in Man and his Symbols, p. 73)
Carl Jung's above explanation of the Shadow archetype proposes his belief that man's search for meaning is directly inhibited by his own natural, and repressed conflicts. These conflicts have an influential and in many instances irrepressible influence on our conscious thought and action. Our ability to overcome our own individual or cultural shadow requires not only the knowledge of our culturally and self- perceived weaknesses, but the integration of these characteristics into our conscious and operational schemas. What this extract does not properly convey is Jung's conception of the archetype as the symbolic and historical manifestation of our subconscious contents. Jung believed that through dreams these symbols, or archetypes, present themselves as a representational mental image of our repressed thoughts, feelings, memories, heritage, and beliefs. With the appearance of the shadow, as well as other archetypes, Jung believed that he was then able to interpret the meaning of his client's dream and consequently assist them in processing their repressed conflicts.
The crux of SRL's argument, from the first section of his book, rests on the recognition and acknowledgment of Jung's shadow archetype as an influence behind our culture's development. SRL does not propose that culture is represented within the archetypal imagery of the collective unconscious', but instead utilizes the translational platform of the archetype to convey certain social movements that have been overtly observed within the realm of historical development. As an expression of these currents, our culture's archetypal shadow is, according to SRL, a direct expression of the "Herd" (or group) mentality that governs society's thought, beliefs, and actions.
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Now that Neither the Government Nor the Population 6th Draft has been posted in its entirity, the following topics will be presented in the coming weeks:
Introduction to Maximum Advantage Collection by Travis B.
On This Modern Warrior Archetype
Excerpts from Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution by José Pierats
Discussion of 4GW and the Information Arrow by Greg Wilcox
Afterwards, Neither the Government Nor the Population 7th Draft will then begin.
Introduction to Maximum Advantage Collection by Travis B.
On This Modern Warrior Archetype
Excerpts from Anarchists in the Spanish Revolution by José Pierats
Discussion of 4GW and the Information Arrow by Greg Wilcox
Afterwards, Neither the Government Nor the Population 7th Draft will then begin.
Friday, August 19, 2005
Neither the Government Nor the Population (6th Draft)
1995 - 1997
A PDF version is available HERE.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
A PDF version is available HERE.
Table of Contents
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Partial Bibliography
(in no particular order.)
(For a more complete Bibliography, which includes those below in greater detail, from the Maximum Advantage Collection go HERE.
i. Publishers have been omitted.
ii. Publication Date is often Overlooked.
iii. Etc.
1. Jaques Ellul: The Technological Society 1964; Propaganda 1966; The Political Illusion 1967 (these dates indicate English translations)
2. George Orwell: Animal Farm; 1984
3. Steven Solomon: The Confidence Game 1995
4. Friedrich Nietzsche (Translated by Walter Kaufman): The Will to Power; Beyond Good And Evil; Thus Spoke Zarathustra; Twilight of the Idols; The Antichrist; et al.
5. Niccolo Machiavelli: The Prince; The Discourses
6. Edward Abbey: Desert Solitaire; The Monkey Wrench Gang; Good News; The Brave Cowboy; Fire on the Mountain; Fool's Progress; Abbey's Road; Down the River; The Journey Home; et al.
7. Franz Kafka: The Trial
8. Werner Heisenberg: Physics and Philosophy; et al.
9. Jim Goad: (with Debbie Goad) Answer Me! #1-4 (self-published); The Redneck Manifesto 1997
10. S I Hayakawa: Language in Thought and Action
11. Adam Parfrey: Apocalypse Culture; Cult Rapture
12. Martin Sprouse: Sabotage in the American Workplace
13. Hunter S Thompson: Hell's Angels; The Great Shark Hunt; Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail: 1972; et al.
14. The Baffler #6-9
15. Robert Hughs: Culture of Complaint
16. Jacob Holdt: American Pictures
17. David S Saxon: Elementary Quantum Mechanics
18. Alexander Cockburn: The Nation, "Beat the Devil"
19. P A Vesilind, J J Pierce, R F Weiner: Environmental Pollution and Control
20. F W Sears, G L Salinger: Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory and Statistical Mechanics
21. Neil Howe, Bill Strause: 13th Gen
22. Anthony Burgess: A Clockwork Orange
23. Upton Sinclair: The Jungle
24. Walter Lefeber: Inevitable Revolutions
25. Salmon Rushdie: The Satanic Verses
26. Gilbert Shelton: The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
27. Robert Heinlein: Farnam's Freehold; Stranger in a Strange Land; The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (TANSTAAFL)
28. Darrel Huff: How to Lie with Statistics
29. George Gamov: Mr. Thomkins in Wonderland et al.
End of Appendices.
End of 6th Draft.
(in no particular order.)
(For a more complete Bibliography, which includes those below in greater detail, from the Maximum Advantage Collection go HERE.
i. Publishers have been omitted.
ii. Publication Date is often Overlooked.
iii. Etc.
1. Jaques Ellul: The Technological Society 1964; Propaganda 1966; The Political Illusion 1967 (these dates indicate English translations)
2. George Orwell: Animal Farm; 1984
3. Steven Solomon: The Confidence Game 1995
4. Friedrich Nietzsche (Translated by Walter Kaufman): The Will to Power; Beyond Good And Evil; Thus Spoke Zarathustra; Twilight of the Idols; The Antichrist; et al.
5. Niccolo Machiavelli: The Prince; The Discourses
6. Edward Abbey: Desert Solitaire; The Monkey Wrench Gang; Good News; The Brave Cowboy; Fire on the Mountain; Fool's Progress; Abbey's Road; Down the River; The Journey Home; et al.
7. Franz Kafka: The Trial
8. Werner Heisenberg: Physics and Philosophy; et al.
9. Jim Goad: (with Debbie Goad) Answer Me! #1-4 (self-published); The Redneck Manifesto 1997
10. S I Hayakawa: Language in Thought and Action
11. Adam Parfrey: Apocalypse Culture; Cult Rapture
12. Martin Sprouse: Sabotage in the American Workplace
13. Hunter S Thompson: Hell's Angels; The Great Shark Hunt; Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail: 1972; et al.
14. The Baffler #6-9
15. Robert Hughs: Culture of Complaint
16. Jacob Holdt: American Pictures
17. David S Saxon: Elementary Quantum Mechanics
18. Alexander Cockburn: The Nation, "Beat the Devil"
19. P A Vesilind, J J Pierce, R F Weiner: Environmental Pollution and Control
20. F W Sears, G L Salinger: Thermodynamics, Kinetic Theory and Statistical Mechanics
21. Neil Howe, Bill Strause: 13th Gen
22. Anthony Burgess: A Clockwork Orange
23. Upton Sinclair: The Jungle
24. Walter Lefeber: Inevitable Revolutions
25. Salmon Rushdie: The Satanic Verses
26. Gilbert Shelton: The Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers
27. Robert Heinlein: Farnam's Freehold; Stranger in a Strange Land; The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (TANSTAAFL)
28. Darrel Huff: How to Lie with Statistics
29. George Gamov: Mr. Thomkins in Wonderland et al.
End of Appendices.
End of 6th Draft.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
NTGNTP (6th Draft): APPENDIX 5.1
5.1 Shadow legislatures mimicking the affairs and protocols of office and state might prove amusing. The charade must be copied by following normal procedures. The actors could even solicit funds from lobbyists. Their terms would be limited by the gong of disapproval. Even the gallery could be mocked. It would be interested to gauge the effect upon the electorate...
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
NTGNTP (6th Draft): APPENDIX 4.1
4.1 The capital city of the Aztecs, located near present day Mexico City, was once the largest city in the world. Most public school textbooks fail mentioning the achievements of pre-spanish conquest Mexico, but that civilization was relatively advanced, including military tactics. The Spanish Conquistadors were terrified of their power. Primitive firearms were slow and noisy, compared with longbows. Cortez ordered his fleet burned to the water line for incentive. The Aztecs fell for several reasons. First, their neighbors sided with the Spanish in retaliation for centuries of exploitation and tribute. Second, Small pox, a disease brought by the Spaniards decimated their resistance. Spanish forces alone could never has managed this feat. Indeed, plague was brought back to Europe in return. Disease topples nations. The vector exchanges between hemispheres altered world history.
Now, we have different, less obvious cultural diseases. These may be transmitted, but how?
Now, we have different, less obvious cultural diseases. These may be transmitted, but how?
Monday, August 15, 2005
NTGNTP (6th Draft): APPENDIX 2.3
2.3 A balkinization of North America, particularly the United States, periodically becomes a topic of speculation. Some believe all 50 states could split into a confederate arrangement, granting each federal independence with no central control. This argument may be criticized on its merits alone. First, the lower 48 boundaries are artificial, being drawn by political and treaty agreements. States are often already internally divided over geography and resources. Examples include the western and eastern sections of Washington, Oregon, and Colorado. Hence, the split would further fragment these, and other states. Second, interstate trade would seriously be impeded by lack of uniform regulations and federal highway monies. Many large, sparsely populated states, like New Mexico, receive a disproportionate amount of federal funding for interstate and other transportation systems. These would no longer be maintained. Third, the western U.S. has water issues which require external intervention. Water would no longer be parceled and re-diverted. Waterway systems would deteriorate. California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas and the Midwest would resort to open warfare to settle water disputes over major rivers and watersheds originating in the Rocky Mountains. Artificial climates have been created by this system and would dry up. Agriculture would be eliminated. The situation would be most unpleasant and unworkable.
Of course, a regional fragmentation could occur into several large sub-nations. The west, south, east and Alaska could all go their separate ways, but not along individual state lines. Mexico and Canada would probably follow suite. Quebec has already made the attempt. These regions are all large enough to sustain themselves. Of course, the issue of common currency would be a large hurdle...
Of course, a regional fragmentation could occur into several large sub-nations. The west, south, east and Alaska could all go their separate ways, but not along individual state lines. Mexico and Canada would probably follow suite. Quebec has already made the attempt. These regions are all large enough to sustain themselves. Of course, the issue of common currency would be a large hurdle...
Sunday, August 14, 2005
NTGNTP (6th Draft): APPENDIX 2.2
2.2 The United States was founded on the theories of law. Whether the end result should be respected is debatable. The practical aspects have required the legal profession to greatly shape the American cultural and political landscape. Lawyers are acutely aware their position enable them to exploit the system for maximum advantage. Justice had no ears for truth. Lawyers are both tool and tool user. Specialization has weakened most positions. However, the legal profession continues unabated. Perhaps, the systemic weaknesses may be found in this arrangement. Their removal would be interesting.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
NTGNTP (6th Draft): APPENDIX 2.1
2.1 During the outbreak of the Vietnam war, minor state department officials would deliver presentations at local schools and churches. The purpose was to espouse the en vogue cold war doctrine and justify intervention. False connections were drawn using the usual propaganda regarding communism and the "yellow peril." One could point out that the Vietnamese and Chinese were ethnically different and had been in conflict for thousands of years. In fact, the Soviet Union supplied the North Vietnamese, but only after the U.S. government refused to back the anti-french colonials. Indeed, China invaded northern Vietnam after the American withdrawal in the late 1970s. The minor state department official would turn slightly red, then chastise the dissenter as a communist sympathizer -- a fashionable label at the time.
These little chats were particularly effective by choice of locale. Chumps would sit in the pews and believe nobody would lie before the ears of God. Schools were equally effective because popular sentiment believes these places to be one of truth and learning. Hence, official history is believed. The backdrop, rather than the message, always ensures the success of propaganda. The personal touch is particularly effective. The Chinese communist party and the Third Reich utilized similar tactics. One must learn not just to question, but the proper question.
These little chats were particularly effective by choice of locale. Chumps would sit in the pews and believe nobody would lie before the ears of God. Schools were equally effective because popular sentiment believes these places to be one of truth and learning. Hence, official history is believed. The backdrop, rather than the message, always ensures the success of propaganda. The personal touch is particularly effective. The Chinese communist party and the Third Reich utilized similar tactics. One must learn not just to question, but the proper question.
Friday, August 12, 2005
NTGNTP (6th Draft): APPENDIX 1.2
1.2 No parking zones around potential soft targets could be accomplished by creating more "No Parking" zones on adjacent streets. Many extreme measure are unnecessary, and only justify more fascism. Fear can make one a tool.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
NTGNTP (6th Draft): APPENDIX 1.1
The Appendices were only included with the first printing.
1.1 The morning of April 27, 1997, a local AM news radio station aired a piece concerning encryption. The FBI director was complaining to congress: right wing extremists communicate through privately encrypted messages over computer links. Bill Gates had previously disclosed plans to counter government monopolized encryption chip manufacture, at a loss if necessary. Later that day, the Justice Department announced an Anti-trust suit effectively blocking a planned Microsoft merger with Intuit, a financial software firm. Further action against Microsoft was alluded. The justice department may have seized the opportunity to slap Bill Gates in the face, with could never be alleged publicly. Profit through national tragedy is a common practice, but never spoken. Libel laws exist for a reason.
The most distressing aspect of this account concerns the increasing reliance on entrepreneurial capitalists to preserve freedom from the old guard system. Expanding enterprise conflicts with limiting personal freedom. The new billionaires, like Gates and Ross Perot, are perceived more trustworthy. The average man admires and relates to self-made money. Charismatic oligarchical fascism is a potential danger. Ronald Reagan may have only been the tip of the iceberg.
1.1 The morning of April 27, 1997, a local AM news radio station aired a piece concerning encryption. The FBI director was complaining to congress: right wing extremists communicate through privately encrypted messages over computer links. Bill Gates had previously disclosed plans to counter government monopolized encryption chip manufacture, at a loss if necessary. Later that day, the Justice Department announced an Anti-trust suit effectively blocking a planned Microsoft merger with Intuit, a financial software firm. Further action against Microsoft was alluded. The justice department may have seized the opportunity to slap Bill Gates in the face, with could never be alleged publicly. Profit through national tragedy is a common practice, but never spoken. Libel laws exist for a reason.
The most distressing aspect of this account concerns the increasing reliance on entrepreneurial capitalists to preserve freedom from the old guard system. Expanding enterprise conflicts with limiting personal freedom. The new billionaires, like Gates and Ross Perot, are perceived more trustworthy. The average man admires and relates to self-made money. Charismatic oligarchical fascism is a potential danger. Ronald Reagan may have only been the tip of the iceberg.
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
On “Fifth Generation” Warfare? #3
Mitigation further includes:
3. Remove the easier and deadlier weapons that are simply “out-there” to use. Focus on removing opportunities, not just people. For example improvement of rail rather than so many short-hop commuter flights. If there are fewer “fuel-air bombs” in the air, the situation becomes easier to control. The fact that there still are full flights between destinations less than 500 miles away is a continuing sign of failure. Look for possibilities of attacks that might have mass impact and take steps to make them physically much less likely without crippling society itself. You can't remove all the possibilities but you can make it much harder to do anything of significance.
This approach has the right idea, but would require a massive re-evaluation of technological and societal priorities. It would also require a steep monetary price tag. Building a continental railroad would not be cheap. The better method might be to focus on social inclusion so as to discourage or identify threats beforehand.
The author continues:
Much of this surely sounds like what has come before; The same old terrorism? Not exactly. There is a point where criminality, pathology and technology will meet in a way that makes geography and politics irrelevant. Now it has to have been shown that bigger things than a shot, a bomb, or hijackings are possible, much bigger things magnified by the attentions of the “great public eye” and an ever more frightened public mind.
Verbal Worlds can be magnified for many different purposes. Those created by mass media can be eliminated by eliminating mass media. No attention means no effect. This could be accomplished by different means. Isn't logic grand?
He concludes:
The difference lies in the goals. A classic insurgent, guerrilla or fourth generation enemy has a material-political-social goal in mind. The new problems may be initiated by people who are little more than stalkers, fire starters, narcissists and misfits who wish to see themselves writ larger than life across the psycho-social landscape of the earth and now have been shown that they certainly have the means available of doing so. The difference between a traditional mass enemy and a dangerous individual has the possibility of rapidly disappearing.
Unless certain hard choices are made, I agree. Keep in mind, the real danger does not lie with the action but rather the reaction. The herd is a tool and may be discarded.
3. Remove the easier and deadlier weapons that are simply “out-there” to use. Focus on removing opportunities, not just people. For example improvement of rail rather than so many short-hop commuter flights. If there are fewer “fuel-air bombs” in the air, the situation becomes easier to control. The fact that there still are full flights between destinations less than 500 miles away is a continuing sign of failure. Look for possibilities of attacks that might have mass impact and take steps to make them physically much less likely without crippling society itself. You can't remove all the possibilities but you can make it much harder to do anything of significance.
This approach has the right idea, but would require a massive re-evaluation of technological and societal priorities. It would also require a steep monetary price tag. Building a continental railroad would not be cheap. The better method might be to focus on social inclusion so as to discourage or identify threats beforehand.
The author continues:
Much of this surely sounds like what has come before; The same old terrorism? Not exactly. There is a point where criminality, pathology and technology will meet in a way that makes geography and politics irrelevant. Now it has to have been shown that bigger things than a shot, a bomb, or hijackings are possible, much bigger things magnified by the attentions of the “great public eye” and an ever more frightened public mind.
Verbal Worlds can be magnified for many different purposes. Those created by mass media can be eliminated by eliminating mass media. No attention means no effect. This could be accomplished by different means. Isn't logic grand?
He concludes:
The difference lies in the goals. A classic insurgent, guerrilla or fourth generation enemy has a material-political-social goal in mind. The new problems may be initiated by people who are little more than stalkers, fire starters, narcissists and misfits who wish to see themselves writ larger than life across the psycho-social landscape of the earth and now have been shown that they certainly have the means available of doing so. The difference between a traditional mass enemy and a dangerous individual has the possibility of rapidly disappearing.
Unless certain hard choices are made, I agree. Keep in mind, the real danger does not lie with the action but rather the reaction. The herd is a tool and may be discarded.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
On “Fifth Generation” Warfare? #2
Continuation of commentary on On “Fifth Generation” Warfare? By Bryce Lane.
Possible Mitigation includes:
1. Civil skills-In this type of conflict is it of the most importance to first identify, isolate and remove the initiators while most importantly keeping other parties who wish to “feed” from the situation sidelined or redirected. Since the initiators and secondaries will use the media as a magnifier it is important to control “stampedes” both inside and outside targeted populations who don't realize that they are the weapon. This has to be done with other options than “mass lethal”, or technological solutions that only benefit those proposing them. Channeling and deescalating that reaction is the only “51%” solution available. There is no “win” only the preservation of some type of order. Keeping order is “politics” and even though the word has a bad name, the situation requires people who are very good at it.
Stampedes can be directed. Propaganda is the most effective (directly) non-lethal method. It does not necessarily require mass communication. It can be slower. Posters and pamphlets were proven effective before mass communication. However, the approach is still not absolute advantage. Only direct contact will suffice.
2. The individuals that become initiators in this are likely not “poor peasants” but come from the upper-middle to upper classes where they have access to the support and communications necessary to accomplish very significant social impacts yet remain at large. These people are not often invisible, or even easy to ignore all their lives and often give plenty of warning if we are on watch. The more people, contacts and cooperation we have in any environment or society, the more likely we are likely to know who is having trouble in-house with who and keep a watch on it before it moves to anyone else's house.
The unemployable educated elite mostly start revolutions. Work consumes free time.
Possible Mitigation includes:
1. Civil skills-In this type of conflict is it of the most importance to first identify, isolate and remove the initiators while most importantly keeping other parties who wish to “feed” from the situation sidelined or redirected. Since the initiators and secondaries will use the media as a magnifier it is important to control “stampedes” both inside and outside targeted populations who don't realize that they are the weapon. This has to be done with other options than “mass lethal”, or technological solutions that only benefit those proposing them. Channeling and deescalating that reaction is the only “51%” solution available. There is no “win” only the preservation of some type of order. Keeping order is “politics” and even though the word has a bad name, the situation requires people who are very good at it.
Stampedes can be directed. Propaganda is the most effective (directly) non-lethal method. It does not necessarily require mass communication. It can be slower. Posters and pamphlets were proven effective before mass communication. However, the approach is still not absolute advantage. Only direct contact will suffice.
2. The individuals that become initiators in this are likely not “poor peasants” but come from the upper-middle to upper classes where they have access to the support and communications necessary to accomplish very significant social impacts yet remain at large. These people are not often invisible, or even easy to ignore all their lives and often give plenty of warning if we are on watch. The more people, contacts and cooperation we have in any environment or society, the more likely we are likely to know who is having trouble in-house with who and keep a watch on it before it moves to anyone else's house.
The unemployable educated elite mostly start revolutions. Work consumes free time.
Monday, August 08, 2005
On “Fifth Generation” Warfare? #1
On “Fifth Generation” Warfare? By Bryce Lane has a few points that I will discuss.
The Short Piece Opens:
Through our history till relatively recently, it took power in the form of troops and industry, money or political influence for any group under a man, ideology, religion etc. to create a large social impact by any means other than accident. While one man or a small group could create some disorder, it would generally be both local and controllable. However now this is becoming less and less the case. Whatever happens now, thanks to various media, doesn't just happen in one place but literally happens all over the world if covered. The personal, political and psychological is not longer mediated by the geographic. The world is composed of a psychological terrain that has less and less to do
with topography or national boundaries.
The Verbal World is world wide and may be exploited to Maximum Advantage in all Things. Of course, Maximum Advantage is not absolute advantage. A prolonged severe communications systems failure would largely negate this type of Verbal World. The atavistic or retrograde types would be less affected. Their beliefs will transcend and even be vindicated by permanent disruption.
Elements Include:
1. Technology, (not always high-tech either) gives to ever smaller groups down even to individuals, ever larger potential for creating physical, political and masspsychological disturbances far out of proportion to their numbers. Contemporary terrorism is just a crude prototype of this. At least the latest batch have a material goal.
This can be accomplished by not intentionally killing anyone. If an affinity like the ELF purposely (or even accidentally killed), they would all be occupying the cell next to the Unibomber. If one does not kill, one is less subject to the conscience of others.
Infrastructure can be targeted with less repercussion.
2. While populations are increasing, cultures are failing in the socializing functions they have served for thousands of years. The drive for narcissistic individuals, isolated ideologies and pathological groups to see themselves and their identities writ large across the fabric of humanity and history itself is taking up where many cultures have left off.
As discussed above, the mass exposure is a type of power, but subject to the constraints of Maximum Advantage. Ignorance is strength! Ironic? No.
3. The targeted population or organization is used as the weapon itself, not simply a target. Changes in ideology, religion, social or government structure are not the goal. The goal is to create mass reactions gratifying to the inside psychology of the initiating group, to “play a script”. The primary weapon is the initiating attack, the larger secondary weapon-the reaction. This reaction is where the potential for greater trouble lies. The event is simply a “blasting cap”; the real explosion is the reaction and what spins from it.
The herd is its own worst enemy. Unlike cows, human beings may leave (or shove others). And how may this be done? See above.
4. Whoever joins in after the initiating act (even seemingly on your side) may be much more of a danger than the original initiator. In fact it may be the case where if not contained or directed, many actors may “feed off” of each other and lead to an out of control situation where a state or any other “island of order” may simply be another antagonistic faction in a much bigger mess. There are parties that will seek to benefit financially, ideologically or organizationally by trouble even if they did not initiate it. They must be either channeled into something useful, or sidelined.
One can always define useful.
The Short Piece Opens:
Through our history till relatively recently, it took power in the form of troops and industry, money or political influence for any group under a man, ideology, religion etc. to create a large social impact by any means other than accident. While one man or a small group could create some disorder, it would generally be both local and controllable. However now this is becoming less and less the case. Whatever happens now, thanks to various media, doesn't just happen in one place but literally happens all over the world if covered. The personal, political and psychological is not longer mediated by the geographic. The world is composed of a psychological terrain that has less and less to do
with topography or national boundaries.
The Verbal World is world wide and may be exploited to Maximum Advantage in all Things. Of course, Maximum Advantage is not absolute advantage. A prolonged severe communications systems failure would largely negate this type of Verbal World. The atavistic or retrograde types would be less affected. Their beliefs will transcend and even be vindicated by permanent disruption.
Elements Include:
1. Technology, (not always high-tech either) gives to ever smaller groups down even to individuals, ever larger potential for creating physical, political and masspsychological disturbances far out of proportion to their numbers. Contemporary terrorism is just a crude prototype of this. At least the latest batch have a material goal.
This can be accomplished by not intentionally killing anyone. If an affinity like the ELF purposely (or even accidentally killed), they would all be occupying the cell next to the Unibomber. If one does not kill, one is less subject to the conscience of others.
Infrastructure can be targeted with less repercussion.
2. While populations are increasing, cultures are failing in the socializing functions they have served for thousands of years. The drive for narcissistic individuals, isolated ideologies and pathological groups to see themselves and their identities writ large across the fabric of humanity and history itself is taking up where many cultures have left off.
As discussed above, the mass exposure is a type of power, but subject to the constraints of Maximum Advantage. Ignorance is strength! Ironic? No.
3. The targeted population or organization is used as the weapon itself, not simply a target. Changes in ideology, religion, social or government structure are not the goal. The goal is to create mass reactions gratifying to the inside psychology of the initiating group, to “play a script”. The primary weapon is the initiating attack, the larger secondary weapon-the reaction. This reaction is where the potential for greater trouble lies. The event is simply a “blasting cap”; the real explosion is the reaction and what spins from it.
The herd is its own worst enemy. Unlike cows, human beings may leave (or shove others). And how may this be done? See above.
4. Whoever joins in after the initiating act (even seemingly on your side) may be much more of a danger than the original initiator. In fact it may be the case where if not contained or directed, many actors may “feed off” of each other and lead to an out of control situation where a state or any other “island of order” may simply be another antagonistic faction in a much bigger mess. There are parties that will seek to benefit financially, ideologically or organizationally by trouble even if they did not initiate it. They must be either channeled into something useful, or sidelined.
One can always define useful.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
NTGNTP (6th Draft): POWER AND NEGATION Part 6.4.0
4. Could the human tendency toward war be attributable, not to our carnivorous nature, but rather the herbivorous? Popular sentiment might espouse the opposite, but such notions are often incorrect, incomplete or even delusional. Aggressive herd animals will hold optimal ground, whereas social carnivores will move with the game supply. Agriculture is the civilized cultivation of the herbivorous instinct; hence territory and the necessity of conflict over resources, like water and soil. The human animal may have removed itself dangerously from its roots as hunter-gatherers. Our cultural evolution has possibly halted our physical. Our future descendants may become degenerate from ignoring the natural. The human species is forgetting the skills for living. Outer space is a fantasy. Baring visitation of extraterrestrials -- a new face of the old savior lie -- faster-than-light travel is impossible and unknowable according to fundamental physical laws.[46] One would need to travel backwards in time to satisfy causal relations. Slow speed space exploration and colonization is more realistic, but the time frame would be thousands of years for travel beyond the solar system. The earth would still be necessary for base support. That far future might never arrive in time -- another decadent risk. Fiction is not reality. The fault lies not in dreams or dreamers, but culturally pervasive notions which skew perspective. Widespread acceptance has been conditioned and cultivated for a reason. Entertainment has other purposes, besides docile preoccupation. Even the elite are not immune, simply better educated and informed. The cycle continues for the supposed good of the herd, but not even the herd benefits over the long term. Shortsightedness can be corrected. Morality is a prime example, being absolute behavior codification at the expense of everything else. Morality even undermines those drives seeking the betterment of self. Ethics are indeed a sad joke. The herd mentality smoothes the mean, hence prevailing over starvation and disease. Technology is a development of human evolution. Its emphasis has become disproportionate, and hence anti-natural. Humanity needs to move beyond and over. The herd has now outlived its usefulness. The choice is its maintenance or stagnation and eventual death. Cultural inertia may only be overcome by hard work on real problems. Fiction represents a pleasant diversion, not life. The end reward may prove incalculable. A clear choice must be made to move beyond and over. The ashes and ruins of the old may still hold some promise, but the dead weight will be eliminated by its inability to cope. So be it. The remainder will reap the spoils. The machine is doomed. The individual must live to piss on the graves of the state and herd. One need do precisely nothing to see those ends. Ideologies will wither unto meaning nothing. Power will rest in the hands of those who have taken it for the self. Dominating others won't even be worth the trouble. Economics will be smashed to dust. Their symbolism will not stand against nature. Entropy is the only true savior. The lies of neither the government, nor the population will be believed. Their empty shells will collapse inward. Challenges will arise requiring other than simply reacting like a puppet with no strings. This decadent society deserves to die by the logic of its own devices. The time has come for something else. Tools exist for its direction or devastation. The irony is both amusing and sad. The human race deserves better.
Pretty funny, huh?
Seattle, WA USA
April 1995 - March 1996, July 1997
End of Part 6.
End of 6th Draft.
Appendices to follow.
[46] The light barrier is not analogous to sound. The speed of light is an absolute, and identical in all reference frames. Jets breaking the sound barrier are a problem concerning aerodynamic design efficiency. A physical constant is an entirely different matter.
Pretty funny, huh?
Seattle, WA USA
April 1995 - March 1996, July 1997
End of Part 6.
End of 6th Draft.
Appendices to follow.
[46] The light barrier is not analogous to sound. The speed of light is an absolute, and identical in all reference frames. Jets breaking the sound barrier are a problem concerning aerodynamic design efficiency. A physical constant is an entirely different matter.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
NTGNTP (6th Draft): POWER AND NEGATION Part 6.3.3
The power base claimed by the religious right is also largely a matter of media perception. Pro-religious right elected officials will only move when confident of public support i.e. the perceived proportion. The true power exists with monied interests (also maintained by perception). Hitler was backed by business interests. The religious right is just another decadent safety-valve. Multi-national power would not allow their free reign. It would be bad for business. The political spectacle does not effect many demands placed by efficiency. The exceptions prove the general. The religious right has been duped. Morality means nothing compared to profits. The religious right will fall like a house of cards at the hands of big business. Their tolerance is proportional to the movement's irrelevance. Once advertising dollars dry up for religious programming, the FCC will sell the airspace to the highest bidder. Meanwhile, change the dial. The remainder will be just another weak dissident faction. This strategy might prove worthwhile against others as well.
In conclusion, the religious right can be stopped. The marketplace requires the coin of controversy, and will look elsewhere for info-tainment. The real issue are worth concentrating effort towards, rather than those of ignorant rabble. Fanaticism is difficult to sustain. Its fate is extinction. Let them die quietly.
In conclusion, the religious right can be stopped. The marketplace requires the coin of controversy, and will look elsewhere for info-tainment. The real issue are worth concentrating effort towards, rather than those of ignorant rabble. Fanaticism is difficult to sustain. Its fate is extinction. Let them die quietly.
Friday, August 05, 2005
NTGNTP (6th Draft): POWER AND NEGATION Part 6.3.2
The religious right is primarily concerned with promoting a relatively narrow Judea-Christian morality. These people are simply responding to a decaying social structure by attempting its idealistic reversal. The leaders are conscious of their declining importance and esteem. Their followers' insipid faith has blinded their vision, allowing easy political exploitation. Their program seems aimed primarily towards suppression and repressing individual rights and liberties, acceptable according to the standards of their herd mentality. This reactionary backlash against decadence is understandable, but unwittingly creates more. Anything disliked by these sort is viewed favorably. Therefore, its appearance and strength is proportional to its actual undermining, and eventual demise. The strong and healthy would feel no need for such reactions. The religious right only invites ridicule directed towards its stance. Corrupt and perverse figureheads further hurt the movement by their inability to practice what they preach. Many possible sympathizers are simply turned off. Censorship brings the material to attention, thereby further weakening their position. Controversy sells. The religious right has embraced capitalism, and will not succeed by its mechanisms. Morality undermines itself. The opposition only makes the religious right stronger, unlike its own action, by providing an anti-node to rally against. Aggressive stances can always be manipulated and exploited for maximum advantage. Rather, simply ignore the hype and concentrate on the localized remainder. Power is perception. Controversy fuels, whereas its disappearance may provide partial negation. Corporate media must still make a profit, thus directing free publicity elsewhere. An ephemeral public attention span will sometimes work to advantage in this manner.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
NTGNTP (6th Draft): POWER AND NEGATION Part 6.3.1
3. Concerning the religious right:
"One should not go to church who wants to breath pure air."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
The opposition periodically issues warnings concerning the perceived rise of religious right influence over society. Calls have been heard to combat the grass roots campaign aimed at dominating public policy, especially at the school board level. A nausea felt regarding outdated morality is understandable. However, conventional opposition usually draws more attention than could otherwise be managed by a coalition of church groups. In addition, the opposition also has an agenda of its own, often holding the same fascist tendencies in a different guise. Both camps are equally repulsive. In warfare, a battle may be analogous to chess in a less tangible manner. The information-based culture effectively excludes anything more radical than the democratic party (which should have died in 1968). These camps will be cast as participants and even defenders of the American value system (whatever that means). These sort gain much power from perceived support. Removing or dulling that perception can effectively negate much built upon fear, and distortions. Power and influence rely upon acceptance -- pro or con. Ignoring the agenda of the religious right may prove more suitable than supporting an opposite, possibly worse cause. Once robbed of rating potentials, the leaders will slither off to greener pastures worth ignoring. This discussion will present a strategy towards those ends, including a partial proof of its effectiveness. Minimal effort need be expended by an indirect approach. Both the religious right and opportunistic counter-movements may both be dealt the same. A wise utilization of available resources is preferable to mass squandering which only prove to strengthen their targets. The best opposition may be none at all.
"One should not go to church who wants to breath pure air."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
The opposition periodically issues warnings concerning the perceived rise of religious right influence over society. Calls have been heard to combat the grass roots campaign aimed at dominating public policy, especially at the school board level. A nausea felt regarding outdated morality is understandable. However, conventional opposition usually draws more attention than could otherwise be managed by a coalition of church groups. In addition, the opposition also has an agenda of its own, often holding the same fascist tendencies in a different guise. Both camps are equally repulsive. In warfare, a battle may be analogous to chess in a less tangible manner. The information-based culture effectively excludes anything more radical than the democratic party (which should have died in 1968). These camps will be cast as participants and even defenders of the American value system (whatever that means). These sort gain much power from perceived support. Removing or dulling that perception can effectively negate much built upon fear, and distortions. Power and influence rely upon acceptance -- pro or con. Ignoring the agenda of the religious right may prove more suitable than supporting an opposite, possibly worse cause. Once robbed of rating potentials, the leaders will slither off to greener pastures worth ignoring. This discussion will present a strategy towards those ends, including a partial proof of its effectiveness. Minimal effort need be expended by an indirect approach. Both the religious right and opportunistic counter-movements may both be dealt the same. A wise utilization of available resources is preferable to mass squandering which only prove to strengthen their targets. The best opposition may be none at all.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
NTGNTP (6th Draft): POWER AND NEGATION Part 6.2.4
Essentially the changes required for future survival will need to occur with a speed and scope hitherto unseen. The resistance will be basic social inertia on the part of those losing most. Propagandists will attempt to further maintain the static-state demanded by the elite. Information campaigns fail due to misplaced faith regarding reason. Most pay more attention to glitter, than doom-sayers who piss and moan. Hence, a band-aide attempts to heal a gaping chest wound. The underdog is denigrated, therefore the same tools of propaganda must be utilized to ensure respect by creating the cognitive perception of equal strength. The establishment interests will be forced to tread lightly, lest they discredit their own methods. Figures may be manipulated to say anything. Truth means nothing in this arena. The rules have been established and may not be bucked by any opposition. Propaganda is too entrenched. Economics is too accepted. People will only listen to those things agreeable with prior conditioning. The information age is simply a flood of meaningless data, including so-called facts. Manipulate, exploit or die are the only alternatives. Ideals mean nothing, except death when applied. One must walk the path of the mainstream to destroy or divert its course. Cognition of one sort needs replacement with that of another, which affirms life. The realization is a matter of perception. The rational may always be struck down with the irrational. Negation may be negated with negation; nothing must be fought with nothing.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
NTGNTP (6th Draft): POWER AND NEGATION Part 6.2.3
Society requires massive restructuring, towards more communalism and less unity. The Israeli Kibbutz provides an excellent example for blunting population pressure by eliminating redundant production. Trade is even stimulated by each group producing different complimentary necessities, raw materials and other goods. Group efforts can do quite well economically, without every separate household employing the exact same means. Food waste may be reduced, and the remainder composted for the communal farm. Communication systems have made isolation more practicable. This trend needs to be overcome, lest we suffocate under our own wastes. The anti-natural will not be respected by nature.
Global transportation networks need better engineering to reduce energy dependance and pollution. Increased internal combustion engine efficiency is only a step. Driving can only be discouraged by practical alternatives. Passenger rail usage has almost disappeared in the western United States. The automobile culture has become a major social subgroup. Cars suck away all life. Alternative schemes require serious implementation, not just feel good measures. Cleaner energy sources can replace fossil fuels, but big money would probably see such plans scraped. However, the 1992 Energy Policy Act (EPACT) does provide a 1.5 cent per kilowatt-hour generated subsidy for wind generated utilities, making the latest technology cost competitive. This shows some progress, but requires expansion. The bottom line could no longer resist the pressure. Oil interests will prove far more difficult, but must be superseded. Electric cars need to be built with the same power output. Technological innovation will prove beneficial for someone. The myth of progress is not all bad. The time frame will determine success.
Global transportation networks need better engineering to reduce energy dependance and pollution. Increased internal combustion engine efficiency is only a step. Driving can only be discouraged by practical alternatives. Passenger rail usage has almost disappeared in the western United States. The automobile culture has become a major social subgroup. Cars suck away all life. Alternative schemes require serious implementation, not just feel good measures. Cleaner energy sources can replace fossil fuels, but big money would probably see such plans scraped. However, the 1992 Energy Policy Act (EPACT) does provide a 1.5 cent per kilowatt-hour generated subsidy for wind generated utilities, making the latest technology cost competitive. This shows some progress, but requires expansion. The bottom line could no longer resist the pressure. Oil interests will prove far more difficult, but must be superseded. Electric cars need to be built with the same power output. Technological innovation will prove beneficial for someone. The myth of progress is not all bad. The time frame will determine success.
Monday, August 01, 2005
NTGNTP (6th Draft): POWER AND NEGATION Part 6.2.2
World population levels are rising at an alarming rate which threatens ecological devastation. Birth control has not kept pace with increased infant mortality levels. Unfortunately, outdated religious moral decrees ensure the situation will not change except for developed countries[45] and China. The one child policy approach may prove a costly victory, like most attempts at artificially regulating human behavior. Due to a traditionally patriarchal culture, Chinese value male children over female, which are aborted and even killed in the present scheme. The proportions will have deep social implications in another generation. The resultant unrest generated will occur on a scale unseen. Ultra-rational solutions are not respected by nature, or often culture.
Consumptive patterns and expectations will require reductions throughout the economic social spectrums. More mouths will require less for everyone. Future generations are already beginning to feel the bite, and should not expect the same levels enjoyed by their elders. The only mitigation attempted has been through decadent entertainment, which produces nothing worthwhile, or half-assed environmental measures. Recycling only encourages the same consumptive patterns including those products which cannot be reused indefinitely. Hard choices are avoided wherever possible. Generally, the only benefit being people merely feel better about their own parasitic status. A slender leach is still a leach. Illusion has become life. Paper products deteriorate. Metal corrodes. Civilizations fall. Diversions will not change anything, only drag out the consequences. Perhaps, the wheels of progress need derailing...
[45] Whose population levels generally increase due to high immigration levels from the developing world.
Consumptive patterns and expectations will require reductions throughout the economic social spectrums. More mouths will require less for everyone. Future generations are already beginning to feel the bite, and should not expect the same levels enjoyed by their elders. The only mitigation attempted has been through decadent entertainment, which produces nothing worthwhile, or half-assed environmental measures. Recycling only encourages the same consumptive patterns including those products which cannot be reused indefinitely. Hard choices are avoided wherever possible. Generally, the only benefit being people merely feel better about their own parasitic status. A slender leach is still a leach. Illusion has become life. Paper products deteriorate. Metal corrodes. Civilizations fall. Diversions will not change anything, only drag out the consequences. Perhaps, the wheels of progress need derailing...
[45] Whose population levels generally increase due to high immigration levels from the developing world.
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