Tuesday, August 16, 2005

NTGNTP (6th Draft): APPENDIX 4.1

4.1 The capital city of the Aztecs, located near present day Mexico City, was once the largest city in the world. Most public school textbooks fail mentioning the achievements of pre-spanish conquest Mexico, but that civilization was relatively advanced, including military tactics. The Spanish Conquistadors were terrified of their power. Primitive firearms were slow and noisy, compared with longbows. Cortez ordered his fleet burned to the water line for incentive. The Aztecs fell for several reasons. First, their neighbors sided with the Spanish in retaliation for centuries of exploitation and tribute. Second, Small pox, a disease brought by the Spaniards decimated their resistance. Spanish forces alone could never has managed this feat. Indeed, plague was brought back to Europe in return. Disease topples nations. The vector exchanges between hemispheres altered world history.

Now, we have different, less obvious cultural diseases. These may be transmitted, but how?

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