Sunday, August 07, 2005

NTGNTP (6th Draft): POWER AND NEGATION Part 6.4.0

4. Could the human tendency toward war be attributable, not to our carnivorous nature, but rather the herbivorous? Popular sentiment might espouse the opposite, but such notions are often incorrect, incomplete or even delusional. Aggressive herd animals will hold optimal ground, whereas social carnivores will move with the game supply. Agriculture is the civilized cultivation of the herbivorous instinct; hence territory and the necessity of conflict over resources, like water and soil. The human animal may have removed itself dangerously from its roots as hunter-gatherers. Our cultural evolution has possibly halted our physical. Our future descendants may become degenerate from ignoring the natural. The human species is forgetting the skills for living. Outer space is a fantasy. Baring visitation of extraterrestrials -- a new face of the old savior lie -- faster-than-light travel is impossible and unknowable according to fundamental physical laws.[46] One would need to travel backwards in time to satisfy causal relations. Slow speed space exploration and colonization is more realistic, but the time frame would be thousands of years for travel beyond the solar system. The earth would still be necessary for base support. That far future might never arrive in time -- another decadent risk. Fiction is not reality. The fault lies not in dreams or dreamers, but culturally pervasive notions which skew perspective. Widespread acceptance has been conditioned and cultivated for a reason. Entertainment has other purposes, besides docile preoccupation. Even the elite are not immune, simply better educated and informed. The cycle continues for the supposed good of the herd, but not even the herd benefits over the long term. Shortsightedness can be corrected. Morality is a prime example, being absolute behavior codification at the expense of everything else. Morality even undermines those drives seeking the betterment of self. Ethics are indeed a sad joke. The herd mentality smoothes the mean, hence prevailing over starvation and disease. Technology is a development of human evolution. Its emphasis has become disproportionate, and hence anti-natural. Humanity needs to move beyond and over. The herd has now outlived its usefulness. The choice is its maintenance or stagnation and eventual death. Cultural inertia may only be overcome by hard work on real problems. Fiction represents a pleasant diversion, not life. The end reward may prove incalculable. A clear choice must be made to move beyond and over. The ashes and ruins of the old may still hold some promise, but the dead weight will be eliminated by its inability to cope. So be it. The remainder will reap the spoils. The machine is doomed. The individual must live to piss on the graves of the state and herd. One need do precisely nothing to see those ends. Ideologies will wither unto meaning nothing. Power will rest in the hands of those who have taken it for the self. Dominating others won't even be worth the trouble. Economics will be smashed to dust. Their symbolism will not stand against nature. Entropy is the only true savior. The lies of neither the government, nor the population will be believed. Their empty shells will collapse inward. Challenges will arise requiring other than simply reacting like a puppet with no strings. This decadent society deserves to die by the logic of its own devices. The time has come for something else. Tools exist for its direction or devastation. The irony is both amusing and sad. The human race deserves better.

Pretty funny, huh?

Seattle, WA USA
April 1995 - March 1996, July 1997

End of Part 6.

End of 6th Draft.

Appendices to follow.

[46] The light barrier is not analogous to sound. The speed of light is an absolute, and identical in all reference frames. Jets breaking the sound barrier are a problem concerning aerodynamic design efficiency. A physical constant is an entirely different matter.

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