Wednesday, August 03, 2005

NTGNTP (6th Draft): POWER AND NEGATION Part 6.2.4

Essentially the changes required for future survival will need to occur with a speed and scope hitherto unseen. The resistance will be basic social inertia on the part of those losing most. Propagandists will attempt to further maintain the static-state demanded by the elite. Information campaigns fail due to misplaced faith regarding reason. Most pay more attention to glitter, than doom-sayers who piss and moan. Hence, a band-aide attempts to heal a gaping chest wound. The underdog is denigrated, therefore the same tools of propaganda must be utilized to ensure respect by creating the cognitive perception of equal strength. The establishment interests will be forced to tread lightly, lest they discredit their own methods. Figures may be manipulated to say anything. Truth means nothing in this arena. The rules have been established and may not be bucked by any opposition. Propaganda is too entrenched. Economics is too accepted. People will only listen to those things agreeable with prior conditioning. The information age is simply a flood of meaningless data, including so-called facts. Manipulate, exploit or die are the only alternatives. Ideals mean nothing, except death when applied. One must walk the path of the mainstream to destroy or divert its course. Cognition of one sort needs replacement with that of another, which affirms life. The realization is a matter of perception. The rational may always be struck down with the irrational. Negation may be negated with negation; nothing must be fought with nothing.

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