Thursday, August 25, 2005

Introduction to Maximum Advantage Collection by Travis B. Part 5

This is where we come back to Vygotsky’s “stage of proximal growth”. In order to improve upon our current societal condition we not only require a thorough knowledge
of what has produced our current condition, but also a thorough understanding of what continues to perpetuate it; Ultimately, what constrains its growth. This knowledge is quintessential to transcend our current stage of cognitive and social development[6]. It is within this point that SRL argues it is our ‘morality’ that produced our current societal condition; a condition that SRL argues is ripe for exploitation- to the “Maximum Advantage“ of others.

SRL argues that the overriding rules that govern our will to action have been corrupted and tainted by the corporate and political powers that consequently feed society. The things upon which we are interdependent to survive. Similar to the ecological cycle that scientists have found to exist between plants, birds, mammals, and aquatic life, humans are dependent on one another as well as corporations for work, products, culture, and the subsequent support and nourishment of the community. Within this corporate-human cycle, exist the institutions that perpetuate and maintain our culture.

[6] Our cultural and societal growth is stated to be similar to our current stage of cognitive and social development. This is based on the premise that cognitive and society develop at a similar rate for the “herd”.

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