Monday, August 01, 2005

NTGNTP (6th Draft): POWER AND NEGATION Part 6.2.2

World population levels are rising at an alarming rate which threatens ecological devastation. Birth control has not kept pace with increased infant mortality levels. Unfortunately, outdated religious moral decrees ensure the situation will not change except for developed countries[45] and China. The one child policy approach may prove a costly victory, like most attempts at artificially regulating human behavior. Due to a traditionally patriarchal culture, Chinese value male children over female, which are aborted and even killed in the present scheme. The proportions will have deep social implications in another generation. The resultant unrest generated will occur on a scale unseen. Ultra-rational solutions are not respected by nature, or often culture.

Consumptive patterns and expectations will require reductions throughout the economic social spectrums. More mouths will require less for everyone. Future generations are already beginning to feel the bite, and should not expect the same levels enjoyed by their elders. The only mitigation attempted has been through decadent entertainment, which produces nothing worthwhile, or half-assed environmental measures. Recycling only encourages the same consumptive patterns including those products which cannot be reused indefinitely. Hard choices are avoided wherever possible. Generally, the only benefit being people merely feel better about their own parasitic status. A slender leach is still a leach. Illusion has become life. Paper products deteriorate. Metal corrodes. Civilizations fall. Diversions will not change anything, only drag out the consequences. Perhaps, the wheels of progress need derailing...

[45] Whose population levels generally increase due to high immigration levels from the developing world.

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