Tuesday, August 02, 2005

NTGNTP (6th Draft): POWER AND NEGATION Part 6.2.3

Society requires massive restructuring, towards more communalism and less unity. The Israeli Kibbutz provides an excellent example for blunting population pressure by eliminating redundant production. Trade is even stimulated by each group producing different complimentary necessities, raw materials and other goods. Group efforts can do quite well economically, without every separate household employing the exact same means. Food waste may be reduced, and the remainder composted for the communal farm. Communication systems have made isolation more practicable. This trend needs to be overcome, lest we suffocate under our own wastes. The anti-natural will not be respected by nature.

Global transportation networks need better engineering to reduce energy dependance and pollution. Increased internal combustion engine efficiency is only a step. Driving can only be discouraged by practical alternatives. Passenger rail usage has almost disappeared in the western United States. The automobile culture has become a major social subgroup. Cars suck away all life. Alternative schemes require serious implementation, not just feel good measures. Cleaner energy sources can replace fossil fuels, but big money would probably see such plans scraped. However, the 1992 Energy Policy Act (EPACT) does provide a 1.5 cent per kilowatt-hour generated subsidy for wind generated utilities, making the latest technology cost competitive. This shows some progress, but requires expansion. The bottom line could no longer resist the pressure. Oil interests will prove far more difficult, but must be superseded. Electric cars need to be built with the same power output. Technological innovation will prove beneficial for someone. The myth of progress is not all bad. The time frame will determine success.

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